Multi-Stage Scheduling Problem with Parallel Machines

Yailen Martinez Jimenez, David Catteeuw, Bert Van Vreckem, Ann Nowe

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingMeeting abstract (Book)


    We look at an application based on the chemical production plant of Castillo and Roberts. It is a two-stage process with four times two parallel machines.
    Each order must be handled first by a 'stage-one' machine and afterwards by a 'stage-two' machine. At each stage, a scheduler must choose between two parallel machines. Parallel machines can handle the same type of tasks, but may differ in speed. The schedulers' objective is to fulfill a sequence of product orders in the least amount of time. This means we want to minimize the make-span.

    The action and state space grow very large when the above scheduling problem would be controlled in a centralized way. A better alternative is a multi-agent approach. In this way, one large problem is divided into different smaller problems. Each of these problems are solved by a single agent using his local/private information. This, however, creates a new problem in the multi-agent setting. From the viewpoint of one agent, the outcome/success of his actions can also depend on the actions of other agents.

    In our solution, agents decide which machine processes the next job. After each 'stage-one' machine, an agent selects a machine from stage-two.

    The learning techniques which we apply to this problem are Learning Automata and Q-Learning. In previous work we used Q-Learning to the problem of selecting parallel machines and multi-stage scheduling separately.

    We measure the efficiency of the (online) algorithms by the ratio of time needed to process a predefined series of orders and time needed by the optimal offline algorithm.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationBook of Abstracts of the 14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization
    EditorsJ. De Schutter, M. Diehl, F. Glineur, E. Jarlebring, Q. Louveaux, W. Michiels, I. Smets, J. Suykens, J. Swevers, J. Vandewalle, J. Van Impe, M. Verschuure
    PublisherInstituut voor Mediastudies (KU Leuven)
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)978-90-73802-00-1
    Publication statusPublished - Sep 2009

    Publication series

    NameBelgian-French-German Conference on Optimization

    Bibliographical note

    J. De Schutter, M. Diehl, F. Glineur, E. Jarlebring, Q. Louveaux, W. Michiels, I. Smets, J. Suykens, J. Swevers, J. Vandewalle, J. Van Impe, M. Verschuure


    • Scheduling
    • Reinforcement Learning


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