Occurrence of injuries and illnesses in athletes with a physical impairment; a forty-week prospective cohort study

Sietske C M Luijten, Joske Nauta, Thomas W J Janssen, Jasmijn F M Holla, Simone C N Jenniskens, Alexandra V R van Reuler, Evert Verhagen

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2 Citations (Scopus)


OBJECTIVES: Currently, the knowledge about the epidemiology of sport-related health problems of athletes with a physical impairment is limited. Therefore, this study aims to describe the prevalence, incidence and severity of sport-related health problems of athletes with a physical impairment in the Netherlands over a one sport season.

DESIGN: Prospective cohort study.

METHODS: Athletes (n = 99) with a physical impairment participated in this study. After completing a baseline questionnaire, athletes started a 40-week health monitoring period, during which they completed the Dutch translation of the OSTRC Questionnaire on Health Problems every week. Based on the reported information, injury and illness prevalence, incidence, weekly cumulative severity score, weekly time loss from sport and the total burden were calculated.

RESULTS: A total of 368 health problems were reported by 95 athletes. These health problems consisted of 258 injuries and 110 illnesses. The average weekly prevalence of health problems was 48.0 %; for injuries 34.6 %, and illnesses 13.4 %. Differences were found when considering injury severity, with the highest severity scores for athletes with a limb deficiency. Furthermore, recreational athletes reported the highest injury severity scores, followed by athletes who competed nationally and athletes who competed internationally.

CONCLUSIONS: Data from this study show a high average weekly prevalence of health problems, and differences amongst various impairment categories and sport levels when considering the severity of injuries. These results add to the knowledge regarding sport-related health problem epidemiology in this population, indicating that impairment category and sport level should be taken into account when developing injury prevention strategies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)160-165
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of science and medicine in sport
Issue number3
Early online date4 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.


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