Predicting teachers' use of an educational system by intention, attitude and self-reported use

Bram Pynoo, Johan van Braak

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paper


Acceptance studies are for organizations a means to gain insight into users' perceptions of a (newly introduced) technology. However, the validity of an acceptance study might be limited (a) in the case where a technology can be used receptively (e.g. to download information) as well as generatively (e.g. to share knowledge); and (b) if actual use of the technology is not measured. For this study, different dimensions of actual use of an educational portal (number of logins, downloads, uploads, reactions and pageviews) of 864 teachers were collected on two occasions (T1 and T2), and linked to their responses on an acceptance questionnaire based upon scales of TAM and TPB (taken at T1). Two research questions were put forward: (1) which dimensions of actual use can be predicted by attitude, intention and self-reported use; and (2) which factors discern the uploaders from the non-uploaders. Regression analyses showed that receptive use (logging in, downloading and browsing) could be predicted by attitude, intention and self-reported use, with variance explained ranging between .13 and .16; whereas generative use (uploading and reacting on contributions of other teachers) could not be predicted (Adj. R2 between .01 and .04). Logistic regression showed that the more positive teachers' attitudes towards the portal are and the higher their perceptions of control; the more likely they will upload information onto the portal. This study is a call for more research on the factors that influence different dimensions of actual educational technology use.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication15th biennial EARLI conference for research on learning and instruction, Proceedings
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event15th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction "'Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning" - München, Germany
Duration: 27 Aug 201331 Aug 2013


Other15th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction "'Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning"
Internet address


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