Proxy re-encryption enabled secure and anonymous IoT data sharing platform based on blockchain

Ahsan Manzoor, An Braeken, Salil S Kanhere, Mika Ylianttila, Madhusanka Liyanage

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Data is central to the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. With billions of devices connected, most of the current IoT systems are using centralized cloud-based data sharing systems, which will be difficult to scale up to meet the demands of future IoT systems. The involvement of such a third-party service provider requires also trust from both the sensor owner and sensor data user. Moreover, fees need to be paid for their services. To tackle both the scalability and trust issues and to automatize the payments, this paper presents a blockchain-based marketplace for sharing of the IoT data. We also use a proxy re-encryption scheme for transferring the data securely and anonymously, from data producer to the consumer. The system stores the IoT data in cloud storage after encryption. To share the collected IoT data, the system establishes runtime dynamic smart contracts between the sensor and data consumer without the involvement of a trusted third-party. It also uses a very efficient proxy re-encryption scheme which allows that the data is only visible by the owner and the person present in the smart contract. This novel combination of smart contracts with proxy re-encryption provides an efficient, fast and secure platform for storing, trading and managing sensor data. The proposed system is implemented using off-the-shelf IoT sensors and computer devices. We also analyze the performance of our hybrid system by using the permission-less Ethereum blockchain and compare it to the IBM Hyperledger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102917
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of Network and Computer Applications
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research is funded by Academy of Finland under SECUREConnect, 6Genesis Flagship (grant 318927 ) projects and by European Union under RE-SPONSE 5G (Grant No: 789658 ), SOFIE (Grant No: 779984 ) COST Action CA15127 (RECODIS) and CA16226 (SHELD-ON) projects.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 The Authors


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