title = "Purification and characterization of an endogenous root lectin from Pisum sativum L.",
author = "Monique Hosselet and {Van Driessche}, Edilbert and {Van Poucke}, Marcel and Eleazar Kanarek",
note = "'Lectins: Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry' (T.C. B{\o}g-Hansen, G.A. Spengler, eds.) (W. de Gruyter), 3, pp. 549-558; null ; Conference date: 01-01-1983",
year = "1983",
language = "English",
booktitle = "'Lectins: Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry' (T.C. B{\o}g-Hansen, G.A. Spengler, eds.) (W. de Gruyter), 3, pp. 549-558",