Quantum SL(2,R) and its irreducible representations

Research output: Unpublished contribution to conferencePoster


We define for real qa unital∗-algebra Uq (sl (2, R)) quantizing the universal enveloping∗-algebra of sl (2, R). The∗-algebra Uq (sl (2, R)) is realized as a∗-subalgebra of the Drinfeld double of Uq (su (2)) and its dual Hopf∗-algebra Oq (SU (2)), generated by the equatorial Podleś sphere coideal∗-subalgebra Oq (K∖ SU (2)) of Oq (SU (2)) and its associated orthogonal coideal∗-subalgebra Uq (k)⊆ Uq (su (2)). We then classify all the irreducible∗-representations of Uq (sl (2, R))
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2023
EventYoung Mathematicians in C*-Algebras conference - University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Duration: 8 Aug 202212 Aug 2022


ConferenceYoung Mathematicians in C*-Algebras conference


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