Reaction Networks as a Language for Systemic Modeling: Fundamentals and Examples

Tomas Veloz, Pablo Razeto-Barry

    Research output: Other contribution

    12 Citations (Scopus)


    he basic processes that bring about living systems are conventionally represented in the framework of chemical reaction networks. Recently, it has been proposed that this framework can be exploited for studying various other phenomena. Reaction networks are specially suited for representing situations where different types of entities interact in contextual ways leading to the emergence of meta-structures. At an abstract level, a reaction network represents a universe whose evolution corresponds to the transformation of collections of entities into other collections of entities. Hence, we propose that systems correspond to the sub-networks that are stable enough to be observed. In this article, we discuss how to use reaction networks for representing systems. Namely, we introduce the different representational levels available (relational, stoichiometric, and kinetic), we show how to identify observable systems in the reaction network, discuss some relevant systemic notions such as context, emergence, and meta-system, and present some examples
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages16
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2017


    • Reaction Networks
    • System Theory
    • Chemical Organization Theory
    • emergence
    • context
    • meta-structure


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