Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks (SPION): Deliverable 9.2 - First iteration of non-technical tools

Ellen Vanderhoven, Tammy Schellens, Martin Valcke, Brendan Van Alsenoy, Jef Ausloos, Eva Lievens, Jos Dumortier, Rula Sayaf, Willem De Groef, Frank Spiessens, Dave Clarke, Bo Gao, Thomas Peetz, Bettina Berendt, Ero Balsa, Claudia Diaz, Seda Gürses, Bart Preneel, Ralf De Wolf, Jos PiersonBram Lievens, Alessandro Acquisti, Fred Stutzman

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


    While deliverable 9.1 is focusing on technical solutions to privacy- and security problems on social network sites, this deliverable contains three different subdeliverables that emphasize social and educational aspects. Two of them are concerning educational solutions: D9.2.1 is a report on an implementation and evaluation of educational material; D9.2.2 is a manual for educational users, and a third sub deliverable, D9.2.3- is an evaluation framework for privacy technologies from a user perspective.

    The first subdeliverable gives an overview of the research that has been conducted to evaluate the educational materials that have been described in D7.2. Results of this research give an indication of the impact these materials have on the awareness, attitudes and behavior of teenagers with regard to risks on social network sites.

    The second subdeliverable describes a first version of a privacy manual, that has been developed for teachers. It gives an overview of the opportunities and privacy risks of social network sites and offers possible solutions from a social, educational, legal and technical perspective. With this information a teacher is equipped with the necessary information to guide his or her students.

    The third subdeliverable describes an evaluation framework that can be used when developing and evaluating technical tools. This framework clarifies how users can be integrated in every step of the development process, hereby operationalizing the notion of privacy by design, an approach of embedding privacy from the beginning of the design process. Moreover, this framework provides guidelines to evaluate the technical tools described in deliverable 9.1.
    Original languageEnglish
    ISBN (Print)978-94-6190-016-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • Privacy manual


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