Technical Report TOR13. Modular Online Time Use Survey (MOTUS): Fieldwork and response analyses

Ignace Glorieux, Joeri Minnen, Theun-Pieter Van Tienoven, Sarah Daniels, Djiwo Weenas, Jef Deyaert, Eszter Meszaros, Sarah Van Den Bogaert

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


This technical report describes the process of data gathering, coding, cleaning and valorisation of TOR13, an online time-use survey conducted by the Research Group TOR in 2013. TOR13 is based on a seven-day diary registration method with a pre- and a postquestionnaire.
The fieldwork of TOR13 started in January 2013 and ended in February 2014. Unlike TOR99 and TOR04, TOR13 made no use of paper and pencil diaries; the whole diary registration happened through a flexible online platform.
This report will guide the reader through the whole procedure of data collection. First of all, we introduce the research instruments. Hereafter we will go deeper in the sample design and the fieldwork, which will be followed by further elaboration on response rates, the data cleaning and the weighing of the dataset. The report ends with a detailed description of the final database. Besides technical specifications this report will also explain the online tool to gather time-use data and compare the data of TOR13 with earlier time-use data collected by the Research Group TOR and with time-use data collected by Statistics Belgium.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherVakgroep Sociologie / Onderzoeksgroep TOR / Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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