The Anthropocene as Event

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperResearch


The Anthropocene could become the defining name of our period, yet scholars continue to disagree over the very concept. One important challenge that remains to be addressed is the apparent inability to locate our experience of anthropogenic events into meaningful action. We see what is happening around us and we know that we need to do something. But in the end, there is no actual response. Even in our most promising scientific solutions, the evental nature of the Anthropocene is often overlooked. The very fact that we think about anthropogenic events from within the symbolic framework of science and technology obscures them. Drawing from the philosophy of technology and a critical engagement with Slavoj Žižek and Bernard Stiegler, I argue that technoscientific culture provides a fantasy of reality in our current age of human history, which is now inextricably bound up with the history of the Earth. Therefore, the Anthropocene is an event in every sense of the word, namely an object that is fundamentally transforming reality. It not only challenges the framework that regulates our access to reality – which would introduce it as just another fantasy – it shatters that reality completely. Understanding the Anthropocene as event may offer a solution to a general sense of disorientation that leaves human beings unable to react in ways other than merely acting out.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGlimpse
Subtitle of host publicationPublication of The Society for Phenomenology and Media
EditorsMelinda Campbell
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventThe Society for Phenomenology and Media: 19th Annual conference - The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Duration: 15 Mar 201717 Mar 2017


ConferenceThe Society for Phenomenology and Media
Abbreviated titleSPM
Internet address


  • critical theory
  • philosophy of technology
  • Žižek
  • Stiegler
  • Event


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