The hyperabduction and hyperrotation tests: quantifiable parameters for the extend of capsulolabral lesions. A cadaver study

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingMeeting abstract (Book)

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication20th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow, September 2006, Athens
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventFinds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet - Stockholm, Sweden
Duration: 21 Sep 200925 Sep 2009


ConferenceFinds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet

Bibliographical note

20th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow, September 2006, Athens

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