The Role of Social Remittances in Promoting Innovation and Transformative Societal Change: The Case of a Honduran Diaspora Knowledge Network

Ingrid Fromm, Ricardo Cortez, Luis Carlo Bulnes, Allan Discua Cruz

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


International migration transforms societies. In this process of transformation, not only are individuals who migrated transformed as a result of social interaction and the adoption of social rules and norms in their host countries, but individuals, families and societies in origin countries are also transformed as a result of the dynamic of social connections and their spill-over effects(Nyberg Sorensen, 2004). While remittances have traditionally been measured as monetary flows and the effects of these flows in economic development widely discussed, a growing amount of literature and empirical evidence highlight the importance of non-monetary, intangible flows (i.e. Lacroix et al., 2016). The complex nature of human mobility poses a great challenge to measuring the impact of social remittances in innovation and societal change. Diasporas, and their role in transferring knowledge through diaspora knowledge networks, also play a crucial role in brokering down knowledge and having an impact on having societal transformation (Discua & Fromm, 2019). In the examination of literature and empirical evidence, one can observe examples of how mobilisation of diaspora knowledge networks can have a positive impact on societal transformation through fostering these networks and capitalising on their potential to transfer knowledge and experience and thus promoting innovation. The purpose of this study is to examine social remittances and their role in promoting innovation and societal change, based on the experience of a Honduran diaspora knowledge network.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Social Innovation of New Ventures
Subtitle of host publicationAchieving Social Inclusion and Sustainability in emerging economies and developing countries
EditorsMarcela Ramirez-Pasillas, Vanessa Ratten, Hans Lundberg
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9781003034933
ISBN (Print)9780367473334
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


  • Innovation
  • Social Remittances
  • Diaspora
  • Honduras
  • Developing Countries
  • Sustainability
  • Social Inclusion
  • Social Innovation


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