The Way We Become Free: Further thoughts on the evolution of freedom

Weaver D.R. Weinbaum

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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    “The way we become free” con1nues where “The way we are free” has le5 off in finding the more profound meaning of the epistemic gap which is a concept central to understanding the kind of freedom agents, humans and others can enjoy that is compa1ble with determinism. A5er a brief introduc1on that connects this ar1cle to the previous one, the body of this ar1cle is divided into three parts that deconstruct the somewhat simplified procedural basis of the epistemic gap that was developed in the previous paper, replacing it with progressively deeper understanding of the nature of the gap. The first part analyzes connec1ons between the complexity of processes such as those taking place in the unfoldment of choice and delibera1on on one hand, and compressibility and predictability of models represen1ng such processes on the other hand. It con1nues to examine the effects of complexity on the epistemic gap exploring three characteris1cs of complex processes, namely, hidden parameters, historicity and sensi1vity. The last sec1on of this part further examines how dis1nct events, and their rela1ons (par1cularly cause-effect rela1ons) are formed highligh1ng the construc1ve role of the agent in forming them. The concep1on of the process of choice as cons1tuted from sequences of a priori defined connected events is replaced with a more subtle descrip1on. In the second part, the Bergsonian perspec1ve on freedom is explored in some detail. Central to this explora1on is Bergson’s concept of dura1on, how it affects our understanding of 1me, and consequently understanding the epistemic gap as the loci of a genera1ve process of individua1on − not merely being free as a state but becoming free as an open-ended process. The final part further illustrates the individua1on of freedom in the dynamic balance between goal-oriented cogni1ve processes and the open-ended unfoldment of conscious experience in dura1on. The ar1cle concludes by raising the idea of freedom as a pure quality beyond the grasp of philosophical discourse.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Noosphere Outside In
    Subtitle of host publicationConsciousness Beyond Autopoiesis
    PublisherBright Hall Publishing
    Publication statusSubmitted - 2023


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