Thermal Management Strategy of Electric Buses towards ECO Comfort

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Energy Management System (EMS) is a critical aspect in electric vehicles to increase driving range, minimize costs, and extend battery life. In E-bus drivetrains, EMS can be utilized to optimize thermal management of associated auxiliaries and en-route charging. A bus cabin environment is a dynamic environment contending with varying levels of passengers and ambient conditions. Buses use the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system to maintain the internal cabin climate. In E-buses, the HVAC system draws electrical energy from the main battery; therefore, a suitable strategy is required to minimize the power utilization. The “comfort” aspect should ensure regulation of both temperature and humidity in the cabin. The controlling mechanism should provide proper comfort to the passengers, utilize the least energy, and respect the constraints of the HVAC system. In this paper, a dynamic thermal cabin model is developed to investigate the ECO-comfort strategy of E-bus and their impact on the energy consumption. Results show that HVAC power usage is inversely proportional to passenger load when ambient temperature is less than reference setpoint and vice versa, and the ECO-comfort offers substantial energy savings over contemporary climate control algorithms when the HVAC system is operated in moderated weathers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThermal Management Strategy of Electric Buses towards ECO Comfort
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jun 2020
EventTransport Research Arena 2020: Rethinking transport - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 27 Apr 202030 Apr 2020


ConferenceTransport Research Arena 2020
Abbreviated titleTRA 2020
Internet address


  • ECO-comfort
  • E-Bus
  • HVAC
  • Cabin climate
  • EMS
  • TMS


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