
Background: This contribution seeks to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of involving older people in aspects of research, policy and social change at a local level. The focus is the ‘Belgian Ageing Studies’, a research program which monitors the needs, as well as issues of quality of life, among home-dwelling older people in order to provide tools for evidenced-based ‘age-friendly’ policies at a local level. In particular, we aim to identify how the physical, social, psychological and political environment of urban neighbourhoods can support frail older people to age in place.

Methods: This contribution uses a mixed method approach, combining quantitative data from the Belgian Ageing Studies in Flanders and Brussels (N=73632) with qualitative data (17 focus groups) from the “Active Caring
Community” project in 3 urban neighbourhoods.

Results: Data-analyses reveal that although frail older people living in urban environments experience neighbourhood exclusion on several domains, several
opportunities exist which can balance these deficits. The results point towards the importance of environmental factors in relation to issues of autonomy, control and power, even when people are in need of long-term care
and assistance.

Conclusions: Through discussion, a number of policy recommendations and strategies to support active ageing and ageing in place for frail older people living in urban environments will be discussed
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-39
JournalIrish Ageing Studies Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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