Towards Farm-wide Fatigue Monitoring: Extrapolating fatigue measurements at a limited number of turbines to the entire farm

Research output: Unpublished contribution to conferencePoster


The main goal of the current research is to develop a
novel methodology that can assess the consumed
fatigue life of an entire wind farm based on
measurements. This development will serve as a
support tool for end-of-life decisions and asset
management for both onshore and offshore wind
farm owners.
The proposed fatigue monitoring approach is to
instrument a limited number of turbines, or fleet
leaders, and extrapolate the measurements to the
other turbines in the farm using empirical models based
on structural information, meteorological and SCADA.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventEWEA Annual Event 2015 - Paris, France
Duration: 16 Nov 201520 Nov 2015


ConferenceEWEA Annual Event 2015


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