U-duality and $α'$ corrections in three dimensions

Camille Eloy, Olaf Hohm, Henning Samtleben

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We consider the target space theory of bosonic and heterotic string theory to first order in $\alpha'$ compactified to three dimensions, using a formulation that is manifestly T-duality invariant under ${\rm O}(d,d,\mathbb{R})$ with $d=23$ and $d=7$, respectively. While the two-derivative supergravity exhibits a symmetry enhancement to the U-duality group ${\rm O}(d+1,d+1)$, the continuous group is known to be broken to ${\rm O}(d,d,\mathbb{R})$ by the first $\alpha'$ correction. We revisit this observation by computing the full effective actions in three dimensions to first order in $\alpha'$ by dualizing the vector gauge fields. We give a formally ${\rm O}(d+1,d+1)$ invariant formulation by invoking a vector compensator, and we observe a chiral pattern that allows one to reconstruct the bosonic action from the heterotic action. Furthermore, we obtain a particular massive deformation by integrating out the external $B$ field. This induces a novel Chern-Simons term based on composite connections that, remarkably, is ${\rm O}(d+1,d+1)$ invariant to leading order in the deformation parameter.
Original languageEnglish
Article number026015
Number of pages23
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2023

Bibliographical note

23 pages


  • hep-th


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