Voicing socially excluded groups through visual methods: solution or challenge?

Jasmien Bougrine, Sofie De Bus, An Nuytiens, Marijke Caroline Van Buggenhout

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingMeeting abstract (Book)


When researching topics such as the detention of irregular migrants asylum seekers and foreign nationals through a criminological lens questions rise about processes of othering (Young 2007) and the social exclusion of groups. A “mainstream” majority may then be perceived as opposed to a deviant and “transgressive” group labelled as outsiders. As criminologists we raise questions on how these socially excluded groups experience being (labelled as) “exiled” “unaccompanied” “irregular” “unwanted” or “alienated”. By giving voice to these socially excluded populations we aim to lay bare and challenge these processes of othering. Yet non-traditional paradigms raise new methodological theoretical and ethical questions and challenges particularly relevant to the criminological debate. As criminologists we also draw parallels with voicing research focusing on other (not necessarily migratory) groups that are considered socially excluded (e.g. prisoners young offenders urban youth etc.). Taking a critical and realist stance we argue that contemporary trends in theory building and qualitative inquiry more specifically rights-based research designs and visual narrative research may provide interesting insights in how participatory approaches can serve as channels to deal with these ethical complexities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEuropean Society of Criminology, 19th Annual Congress 2019 - Ghent
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 19 Sep 2019


  • Voicing
  • Visual methods
  • Vulnerable groups


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