Which Dimensions of the Store Environment Irritate Customers? Evidence from three Retail Settings

Nathalie Demoulin, Kim Willems, Gilbert Swinnen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingMeeting abstract (Book)


Most previous studies on store atmospherics have focused on their impact on positive emotional customer responses. However, less pleasurable shopping experiences may also generate negative affective responses. This research investigates the effect of shopping environment on customers' irritation level and satisfaction across three retail sectors varying in terms of involvement and shopping motives. Our results demonstrate that design and social aspects of the store are the most irritating. Customers' irritation decreases their satisfaction. However, these effects depend on involvement and shopping motives.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Conference
Place of PublicationValencia, Spain
ISBN (Print)978-84-370-9453-3
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jun 2014
Event43rd European Marketing Conference, EMAC 2014 - Valencia, Spain
Duration: 3 Jun 20146 Jun 2014


Conference43rd European Marketing Conference, EMAC 2014


  • Irritation
  • Store environment
  • Involvement
  • Shopping motives
  • Cross-sectorial comparison


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