WILLOW - Norther: data set for the full-scale validation of model-based virtual sensing methods for an operational offshore wind turbine

Research output: Non-textual formDatabase


A data set was curated for the WILLOW project. Collecting, pre-processing, describing as well as publishing the data has been done under supervision owf Wout Weijtjens - several researchers contributed to this dataset, by providing data, or reviewing the dataset before publishing.

The dataset is the "WILLOW - Norther: data set for the full-scale validation of model-based virtual sensing methods for an operational offshore wind turbine"

with DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11093262

and public access via:

This data set contains as-build design information, as well as full-scale vibration response measurements from an operational offshore wind-turbine. The turbine is part of the Norther wind farm which is located in the Belgian North Sea and includes a total of 44 Vestas V164 (8.4MW) wind turbines on monopile foundations. This data set is intended to verify and validate model-based virtual sensing algorithms, using data as well as modeling information from a real turbine.
Two data sets, each spanning a duration of 2 hours, have been curated for a parked and rated load case. The time intervals are selected such that the variabilaity of the environmental conditions is limited, and the respective cases resemble steady operational scenarios.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputother
Size50 Mb
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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