A 12mW 10GHz FMCW PLL Based on an Integrating DAC with 90kHz rms Frequency Error for 23MHz/μs Slope and 1.2GHz Chirp Bandwidth

  • Pratap Renukaswamy (Speaker)
  • Markulic, N. (Contributor)
  • Sehoon Park (Contributor)
  • Anirudh Kankuppe Raghavendra Swamy (Contributor)
  • Qixian Shi (Contributor)
  • Wambacq, P. (Contributor)
  • Jan Craninckx (Contributor)

Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference


A 10GHz FMCW subsampling PLL is presented, that uses a low-power charge-integrating QDAC to tune the VCO for wideband low-noise modulation. Nonlinearities in the QDAC modulation path are corrected within 700µsec cold start-up, followed by a full on-chip background calibration engine to track supply and temperature variations. The PLL consumes 11.7mW (of which <0.5mW in the QDAC) to generate a 23.6MHz/µs chirp slope with 89kHz rms-frequency-error for 1.21GHz chirp-bandwidth.
Periode18 feb 2020
Evenementstitel2020 International Solid-State Circuits Conference: Frequency Synthesizers & VCOs
LocatieSAN FRANCISCO, Belgium
Mate van erkenningInternational