Comment assurer le respect par les industries extractives des législations en matière d’exploitation et des règles de transparence

Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference


The idea for this conference was based on a glaring observation, shared by a wide range of actors in the judicial field in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and Rwanda: international crimes and human rights violations are multiplying significantly in the region, so that the response to them must necessarily be cohesive and coordinated to be effective. Effective for the direct victims of these abuses, and beyond that, for their families and communities, who are very often affected by them.
But it must also be effective with a view to establishing peace and stability in this area, where conflicts have been going on for over 25 years.
Periode4 nov 20215 nov 2021
Gehouden opFondation Konrad Adenauer
Mate van erkenningRegional