Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project Workshop

  • Claeys, P. (Chair)
  • Matthias Sinnesael (Organiser)
  • David De Vleeschouwer (Member)
  • Christian Zeeden (Member)
  • De Winter, N. (Member)

Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation


The main goal of this project and the 3-day workshop (30/07/2018-01/08/2018 in Brussels) is to test reproducibility, and to some extent also standardization of results and uncertainties in the field of cyclostratigraphy. This requires the analysis of 3 artificial geological case studies by multiple individual researchers. The idea is that every researcher works independently.
All participants are free to determine their method of choice; however, a handful of criterions will be required as an outcome must be comparable. The different results will be compared and even more importantly, their pathways and resulting (in)accuracy will be discussed.

Philippe Claeys is part of the organizing committee and raised funds to hold this meeting in Brussels
Periode29 jul 20181 aug 2018
LocatieBrussels, Belgium
Mate van erkenningInternational