Evelyne Blanchard

Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor


Evelyne Blanchard from ECODIV at Univ. de Rouen (http://ecodiv.univ-rouen.fr/fr/notre-equipe) visited AMGC to test/learn isotopic analyses on carbonates using the gas-bench within the context of the project Paleconor (Climate & past ecosystems in Normandy: reconstructing environmental & anthropogenic forcing at high-resolution), funded by Normandy Region. She accompanied Prof. Carole Nehme a regular AMGC visitor who also carried out stable isotope measurements on speleothems, see https://umr-idees.fr/2020/04/06/pal-eco-nor/
Periode30 aug 20214 sep 2021
Bezoeken vanUniversité de Rouen (France)
Diploma van bezoekerPhD
Mate van erkenningInternational