The main points of their reflection are the following :➡️Scientific consensus points out that economic and industrial human activities cause the climate and ecological distress we are facing
➡️Economic and industrial activities are based on and made possible by private law mechanisms
➡️Private law mechanisms contributed to the climate/ecological crisis we are in , but...
➡️Private law also contains several safeguards, aiming at sanctioning excesses in self-determination (= freedom to contract / conduct a business) through private acts (= balancing self-determination of a person against self-determination and other fundamental rights (e.g. right to life) of others
➡️Read in conjunction with the fundamental rights in higher norms they implement, these safeguards may allow some action in awaiting further specific intervention of the legislator.
Periode | 6 mei 2022 |
Evenementstitel | Droit et durabilité - Recht en duurzaamheid |
Evenementstype | Conference |
Locatie | Brussels, Belgium |
Mate van erkenning | National |