Perrine Mangion

Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor


During her stay, Dr Perrine Mangion performed the extraction and isotopic analyses of N and O in nitrates from groundwater and river water samples from La Réunion to identify the origin of the nitrate contamination. As the N2O analyses line was not used for more than one year, she also helped to restart and test-out the system prior to her analyses. She worked in collaboration with Natacha Brion and under the supervision of Florian Deman and David Vertraeten. Finally, future collaboration possibilities were explored as Perrine Mangion would like to develop the use of isotopic tools in environmental studies at La Réunion.
Periode1 okt 201930 okt 2019
Bezoeken vanEcologie marine tropicale des océans Pacifique et Indien (UMR 9220 ENTROPIE), Université de la Réunion, St. Denis, (France) (France)
Diploma van bezoekerPhD
Mate van erkenningInternational