Port Performance Research Network (Externe Organisatie)

Activiteit: Work on academic committees and working groups


The Port Performance Research Network (PPRN) is an informal network of maritime economists interested in issues of port policy. Founded and chaired by Dr. Mary R. Brooks, it was established at the International Association of Maritime Economists 2001 meeting in Hong Kong to undertake empirical testing of antecedents for port performance and governance and to identify key successes and failures in port reform. Since 2001, PPRN has met 10 times, and its members have examined port developments in more than 15 countries. Its early results were published in a peer-reviewed book, Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (Brooks, M.R. & Cullinane, K. (Eds.), 2007. London: Elsevier) and in the 17th volume of Research in Transportation Economics. Current activities of the PPRN are focused on performance and port management. Since 2007, PPRN's activities have been managed by subgroups with particular interests. There are several working groups within the PPRN: Port efficiency (led by Gordon Wilmsmeier an
Periode1 jul 2010 → …
Gehouden opPort Performance Research Network, Canada