"Sortir la caisse à outils" Une journée d'étude sur les savoirs situées et la production d'espace.

  • Figuera, T. (Chair)
  • Julie Beauté (Chair)
  • Matthieu Garling (Chair)
  • Marida Borello (Chair)
  • Angéline Capon (Chair)
  • Isabelle Stengers (Host)
  • Gutwirth, S. (Host)
  • Alima El Bajnouni (Host)
  • Victor Collet (Host)
  • Dorine Julien (Host)

Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar


Study day of the doctoral seminar "the toolbox of situated knowledges" with Isabelle Stengers and Serge Gutwirth as special guests. The afternoon will be devoted to round-table discussions on Haraway concepts, with invited speakers from the CHO3 and Technopolis groups ; Victor Collet, sociologist and member of Manifesten ; Alima El Bajnouni, doctoral student at the MIL/UPEC laboratory and member of Un centre ville pour tous ; Dorine Julien from 8 Pillards collective ; the Arriver en ville group ; and the Belzunse neighbourhood association « Régie de quartier ».

"The toolbox of situated knowleges" is a monthly workshop combining theory and practice to explore the ways in which knowledge is produced and the instruments of spatial representation.
Its approach is to turn to feminist epistemologies, which base their epistemic programme, linked to political and ethical questioning, on the theory of positioning or point of view. Feminist epistemologies thus consider the construction of knowledge on the basis of lived experience, and implement a critique of abstract and hegemonic universalism, highlighting its blind spots and questioning the conditions under which objectivity is possible.
Periode10 jun 2024
LocatieMarseille, France
Mate van erkenningInternational