Sporten in tijden van crisis. Profiel van de coronasporter (Sporting in times of crisis: profile of corona-sporter)

  • Jeroen Scheerder (Contributor)
  • Annick Willem (Contributor)
  • De Bosscher, V. (Contributor)
  • Erik Thibaut (Contributor)
  • Ricour, M. (Contributor)

Activiteit: Other


Researchers of the VUB, KULEUVEN, UGENT established a survey to examine the effect of the corona lockdown on the movement behavior of th Flemish population. The survey was distributed by a well-know Flemish newspaper 'Het Laatste Nieuws'. The results of this survey (more than 13.500 respondents), can be found in the PDF file.
Periode10 apr 2020
Mate van erkenningRegional