Understanding Europe as a Performative Act in Kosovo

Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation


The 19th generation of the Prishtina School of Politics held its first seminar on March 19-21.

During the lectures participants had the opportunity to discuss: state legitimacy and democratic participation, transitional justice and dealing with the past, the right to self-determination and secession, conflict, Europeanism and state-building as performative practices in the Balkans, nation-states as a fundamental framework of political life, as well as the design, conception and organization of the political system and governance model.

The lecturers in this seminar were: Gëzim Visoka, Vjosa Musliu, Fisnik Korenica, Adri Nurellari, Ermal Hasmija, Ramadan Ilazi and Gëzim Krasniqi.

Throughout the seminar, our lecturers offered the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussion on the topics and the participants of the School of Politics had the opportunity to learn in detail about the concepts discussed and to express their opinions.
Gehouden opPrishtina School of Politics, Albania