Unknown (Externe Organisatie)

Activiteit: Membership of external research organisation


A Global sporting arms race. At the end of 2002 a consortium of research groups from three nations (Belgium, the Netherlands and United Kingdom) initiated an international comparative study on elite sports policies. These researchers expressed common needs, all from their own perspective, to fill the gap in scientific research on the relationship between elite sport policies and international sporting success and to benchmark their nation against competitors. Their common purpose was reflected in the name “SPLISS”, which stands for Sports Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success. A joint research project was established, of which the first stage was an overall comparison of elite sport policies in six nations: Belgium, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom. The study and network resulted in a Ph.D (2007) and in a jointly authored book (2008), and a long lasting cooperation between individuals and institutions.
Gehouden opUnknown, Belgium