Data for: The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls.

  • Matthias Sinnesael (Creator)
  • Sietske J. Batenburg (Creator)
  • Christian Zeeden (Creator)
  • Linda Hinnov (Creator)
  • Niels De Winter (Creator)
  • Philippe Claeys (Creator)
  • et al. (Creator)



Supplementary materials for Submission: Sinnesael et al., Earth-Science Reviews "The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls ".
Datum van beschikbaarheid2019
UitgeverMendeley Data
Datum van data-aanmaak9 nov 2019


  • Format
  • The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls

    Sinnesael, M., De Vleeschouwer, D., Zeeden, C., Batenburg, S. J., Da Silva, A-C., de Winter, N. J., Dinarès-Turell, J., Drury, A. J., Gambacorta, G., Hilgen, F. J., Hinnov, L. A., Hudson, A. J. L., Kemp, D. B., Lantink, M. L., Laurin, J., Li, M., Liebrand, D., Ma, C., Meyers, S. R., Monkenbusch, J. & 11 anderen, Montanari, A., Nohl, T., Pälike, H., Pas, D., Ruhl, M., Thibault, N., Vahlenkamp, M., Valero, L., Wouters, S., Wu, H. & Claeys, P., dec 2019, In: Earth-Science Reviews. 199, 102965.

    Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

    Open Access
    53 Citaten (Scopus)
    133 Downloads (Pure)

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