Major and trace bulk sample and micro-XRF geochemistry, carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions of magmatic and sedimentary rocks from Hovedøya Island, Oslo fjord, Norway.

  • Sam Yvonne C Poppe (Data Collector)
  • Olivier Galland (Related person)
  • Niels De Winter (Data Collector)
  • Steven Goderis (Creator)
  • Philippe Claeys (Creator)
  • Vincianne Debaille (Related person)
  • P. Boulvais (Related person)
  • Matthieu Kervyn (Creator)



This data set reports on the methodologies and results of geochemical analysis carried out on samples of magmatic rock, calcite and sedimentary rocks of Hovedoya Island, Oslo fjord, Norway, in the framework of the publication by Poppe et al. (2020; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; The major and trace element bulk sample geochemical analysis was carried at the Laboratoire G-Time, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (V. Debaille), the micro-XRF mapping and line scanning, was carried out at the laboratory of the Analytical and Environmental Geo-Chemistry (AMGC) group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels (N.J. de Winter, S. Poppe) and the stable isotope composition analysis was carried out as well at the AMGC laboratory (S. Poppe, S. Goderis), supervised by P. Claeys and M. Kervyn, in collaboration with P. Boulvias. Data sheets are provided in .csv or .xlsx format and compressed folders containing .TIF images of µXRF elemental maps are attached. This data set also contains the complete data sets obtained for the construction of calibration curves for µXRF line scan analysis of rock samples of magmatic composition at the AMGC laboratory at VUB.
Datum van beschikbaarheid7 jan 2020
Datum van data-aanmaak7 jan 2020


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