Observation of the B$^0_\mathrm{s}$ $\to$ X(3872)$\phi$ decay

  • Freya Blekman (Creator)
  • Emil Sørensen Bols (Creator)
  • Simranjit Singh Chhibra (Creator)
  • Jorgen D'Hondt (Creator)
  • Jarne Theo De Clercq (Creator)
  • Denys Lontkovskyi (Creator)
  • Steven Lowette (Creator)
  • Ivan Marchesini (Creator)
  • Seth Moortgat (Creator)
  • Alexander Morton (Creator)
  • Quentin Python (Creator)
  • Stefaan Tavernier (Creator)
  • Walter Van Doninck (Creator)
  • Petra Van Mulders (Creator)



Using a data sample of proton-proton collisions at ffiffi
s p ¼ 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated
luminosity of 140 fb−1 collected by the CMS experiment in 2016–2018, the B0
s → Xð3872Þϕ decay is
observed. Decays into J=ψπþπ− and KþK− are used to reconstruct, respectively, the Xð3872Þ and ϕ. The
ratio of the product of branching fractions B½B0
s → Xð3872ÞϕB½Xð3872Þ → J=ψπþπ− to the product
s → ψð2SÞϕB½ψð2SÞ → J=ψπþπ− is measured to be ½2.21 0.29ðstatÞ 0.17ðsystÞ%. The ratio
s → Xð3872Þϕ=B½B0 → Xð3872ÞK0 is found to be consistent with one, while the ratio
s → Xð3872Þϕ=B½Bþ → Xð3872ÞKþ is two times smaller. This suggests a difference in the
production dynamics of the Xð3872Þ in B0 and B0
s meson decays compared to Bþ. The reported
observation may shed new light on the nature of the Xð3872Þ particle.
Datum van beschikbaarheid12 mei 2020


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