RepResent Cross Sectional Survey Fall 2021

  • Jonas Lefevere (Creator)
  • Lisa Van Dijk (Creator)
  • Stefaan Walgrave (Creator)
  • Karen Celis (Creator)
  • Sofie Marien (Creator)
  • Jean-Benoit Pilet (Creator)
  • B. Rihoux (Creator)
  • Emilie van Haute (Creator)
  • Virginie Van Ingelgom (Creator)
  • Pierre Baudewyns (Creator)
  • Soetkin Verhaegen (Creator)
  • August De Mulder (Creator)



This data deposit contains cross sectional survey data, organised by the FWO/FNRS Excellence of Science Consortium RepResent (Representation and Democratic Resentment) in Fall 2021 amongst adult citizens in Belgium's two largest regions (Flanders and Wallonia). The RepResent project aims to understand how three forms of representations - substantive, procedural and symbolic - affect democratic resentment amongst the public. It brings together scholars from five Belgian universities, including University of Antwerp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, KU Leuven, UCLouvain, and Université Libre de Bruxelles. For more information on the project, visit

The survey data stems from a CAWI survey amongst a quota sample of Flemish and Walloon citizens, that resemble the population of the respective region in terms of age, gender and education. The field work ran from October 29: 2021 to November 14, 2021. In total, N=2,035 respondents completed the survey and are retained in the data.

The deposit contains CSV, STATA and SPSS versions of the dataset, as well as an accompanying codebook that briefly describe the field work, research design, samples, and full questionnaires.
Datum van beschikbaarheid25 mrt 2022
UitgeverDANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services
Datum van data-aanmaak25 mrt 2022


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