Triple-Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (QQQ-ICP-MS), coupled with excimer-based nanosecond laser ablation (LA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) at AMGC

Uitrusting/faciliteit: no e-resource/single sited

  • Locatie

    Pleinlaan 2






Since 1986, the VUB has been a leading center of expertise in mass spectrometry and carries out highly multidisciplinary research in analytical and environmental chemistry, cosmo- and geochemistry, bioarcheology, geology, paleontology, oceanography, paleoclimate reconstructions, ecology, human biomonitoring, material sciences, and many other fields of research. The current proposal advances, expands and reinforces the position of AMGC and VUB partners at the forefront of their respective fields by adding to the existing analytical platform a stateof- the-art triple-quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ) and two sample introduction systems: excimer-based nanosecond laser ablation (LA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The proposed infrastructure fills a major gap within the array of in situ (microXRF, FTIR, XPS, etc.) and bulk (incl. IRMS, MC-ICP-MS) techniques available at the VUB within the Material Characterization core facility that is currently being established. A highly versatile, high-throughput and up-to-date platform will be installed and optimized, that focuses on the quantitative analysis of ultralow metals and metalloids in a wide range of material matrices, from tiny mineral phases in meteorites over speleothems,
(micro)fossils, shells, and bones, to plant material and aerosols. Through the addition of the ICP-QQQ and these sample introduction systems, the ICP-MS lab of the VUB innovates, reaches its full potential, and boosts its scientific research.


Datum aankoop/verwerving1/05/22


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