Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 118 resultaten
Final conference SCAN2 project
Marco Giacalone (Chair), Kim Van Der Borght (Organiser) & Jachin Van Doninck (Organiser)
21 feb 2024 → 22 feb 2024Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
International Law Association (Externe Organisatie)
José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Member)
9 feb 2023 → …Activiteit: Membership of external research organisation
Sociedad Cubana de Derecho Constitucional y Administrativo (Externe Organisatie)
José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Member)
feb 2023 → …Activiteit: Membership of external research organisation
The evolution of the Cuban energy sector from a Law and Policy perspective: overview on challenges and projections
José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker)
29 jun 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
The commercial purpose of limited liability companies in Cuba
Dargel Gonzalez Gonzalez (Speaker)
12 mei 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Unveiling the Nexus: International Economic Sanctions and Their Influence on Global Food Security
Kim Van Der Borght (Speaker) & Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Speaker)
15 nov 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
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Incremento del uso de Fuentes Renovables de Energía Mediante Subastas de Energía: Una Alternativa Contra la Pobreza Energética
Yanelys Delgado Triana (Presenter), Ernesto Yoel Fariña Wong (Speaker), José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Speaker) & Beatriz Lorenzo Yera (Speaker)
9 jun 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
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Energy Smart Agri-Food Systems
José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker) & Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Speaker)
14 dec 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
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Expert workshop- Identifying Legal Challenges for Farmers’ Innovation
Saurav Ghimire (Organiser), Christine Frison (Organiser) & Kim Van Der Borght (Organiser)
9 okt 2023Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
Breaking Barriers in the EU Digital Market: Improving Consumer Access to Justice with AI-driven Online Dispute Resolution
Kim Van Der Borght (Supervisor), Marco Giacalone (Contributor) & Seyedeh Sajedeh Salehi (Contributor)
3 apr 2023Activiteit: Written proposal
Food Law, Policy, and Diplomacy
Kim Van Der Borght (Chair), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Organiser) & José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Organiser)
14 dec 2023Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
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VUB-UCLV Strategic Partnership Programme, 2nd International Conference on "Food Law, Policy and Diplomacy"
Roberto Reyes Barrera (Member of programme committee), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Member of programme committee) & José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Member of programme committee)
14 dec 2023Activiteit: Participation in conference
Springer Cham (Uitgeverij/uitgevend instituut)
Eduard Snijders (Guest editor), Koen Byttebier (Editor) & Kim Van Der Borght (Editor)
24 jun 2023Activiteit: Editorial activity
Formas asociativas y desarrollo energético sostenible y descentralizado en la EU: identificando buenas prácticas
José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker)
11 mei 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
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The Role of Energy Democracy for a Green Transition: Lessons from the EU to Cuba
José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker)
3 aug 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Individual private enterprises in Cuba. From own-account work to one-member companies.
Dargel Gonzalez Gonzalez (Speaker)
17 nov 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
El derecho a la energía: perspectivas comparadas entre el marco regional europeo y latinoamericano
José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker), Yanelys Delgado Triana (Contributor) & Koen Byttebier (Contributor)
16 nov 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Resiliencia y vulnerabilidad energética en el Caribe insular experiencias para el desarrollo energético sostenible
Ernesto Yoel Fariñas Wong (Speaker), Yanelys Delgado Triana (Speaker), José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Speaker) & Beatriz Lorenzo Yera (Speaker)
jun 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Companies Law in Cuba from 1959 to date
Dargel Gonzalez Gonzalez (Speaker)
20 okt 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Urban foraging dilemmas as collective right in Belgium: towards a form of local social entrepreneurship
Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Speaker) & Kim Van Der Borght (Speaker)
9 sep 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Organisation: Strategisch Partnerschap-Strategic Partnership VUB-UCLV
Kim Van Der Borght (Chair), Roberto Reyes Barrera (Organiser), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Organiser) & José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Organiser)
14 nov 2022 → 18 nov 2022Activiteit: Other
Interview Prof. Dr. Koen Byttebier door “De Nieuwe Wereld” (cf., naar aanleiding van zijn boek “Nu het gouden kalf verdronken is” uit 2015 ; andere deelname aan dit gesprek : Martijn van der Linden, Lector New Finance (De Haagse Hogeschool), en Thomas Bollen, verbonden aan Follow The Money
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
24 jun 2022Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
Springer Cham (Uitgeverij/uitgevend instituut)
Eduard Snijders (Guest editor), Koen Byttebier (Editor) & Kim Van Der Borght (Editor)
24 apr 2022Activiteit: Editorial activity
Voordracht Prof. Dr. Koen Byttebier “How capitalism created the food crisis”.
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
19 okt 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
24 – 29 April 2022 : Corporate Finance and Law Training For Educators and Professionals;
Koen Byttebier (Chair)
24 apr 2022 → 29 apr 2022Activiteit: Participation in conference
Foundations of the Cuban energy diplomacy: challenges and perspective for sustainable energy development
José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker), Yanelys Delgado Triana (Speaker) & Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
23 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
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Food Diplomacy in food crisis times
Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Speaker) & Kim Van Der Borght (Speaker)
23 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
14th-18th November 2022 : VUB-UCLV Strategic Partnership Programme, 2nd International Conference
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
14 nov 2022 → 18 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
23 November 2022 : “Foundatios of the Cuban energy”, voordracht Koen Byttebier (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) at Conference “Contribution for the international conference Diplomacia de Sustentabilidade / Poderá a ciência com ética salvar o mundo ? A importância da ciência com consciência para os ODS e a diplomacia cientifica e technológica”.
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
23 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
4 – 11 September 2022 : “Thirty-ninth international symposium on economic crime”, Jesus college, university of Cambridge – Penetration and corruption of our financial system ; Voordracht Prof. Dr. Koen Byttebier “Cryptoassets – a new frontier for Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing - Legal and regulatory changes to address the increasing AML risk”
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
4 sep 2022 → 11 sep 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
17 November 2022 : Voordracht Koen Byttebier (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), “The Right of Education under Attack by Capitalism”
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
17 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
23 November 2022 : Gastcollege “Kapitalisme - Wat is het? Hoe werkt het? Wat brengt het teweeg?”, Gastcollege door Koen Byttebier (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) te Universiteit Gent, Faculty of Law and Criminology, Department of European, Public and International Law, Course of Prof. Dr. An Cliquet, international and European environmental and biodiversity law, general public international law.
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
23 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
14-18 November 2022 : Participation in panel at VUB-UCLV Strategic Partnership Programme, 2nd International Conference: Sustainable Development Goals in Research ; Interdisciplinary Methodologies ; Multi and Interdisciplinarity in Research and Education Networking ; Parallel Sessions by cluster of the Strategic Partnership and Panel I: The Right to Education, The Right of Education under Attack by Capitalism (Prof. Dr. Koen Byttebier).
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
14 nov 2022 → 18 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Voordracht Prof. Dr. Koen Byttebier “Covid-19 & Capitalism: Europe Versus Asia”
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
20 okt 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Cuba and Changing Values in Law & Policy: A Human Rights Perspective
Kim Van Der Borght (Chair), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Organiser), José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Organiser) & Roberto Reyes Barrera (Organiser)
17 nov 2022Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
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The Helms-Burton Act on the VUB Campus: The CANVAS learning platform illegally block our education cooperation
Kim Van Der Borght (Speaker), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Speaker) & José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Speaker)
17 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
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Food Law & Policy: A Round Table Conference
Kim Van Der Borght (Chair), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Organiser), José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Organiser) & Roberto Reyes Barrera (Organiser)
19 okt 2022Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
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Expertcollege "Het vernieuwde vennootschapsrecht en het sociaal recht” op woensdag 5 mei 2021 (18-20u).
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
5 mei 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Coivd-19 & Neoliberalism - How neoliberal ideology shares responsibility for the covid-19 pandemic
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
29 apr 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Renewable Energy Auctions
Kim Van Der Borght (Consultant), Koen Byttebier (Consultant), Yanelys Delgado Triana (Consultant), José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Consultant), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Consultant), Ernesto Yoel Fariñas Wong (Consultant) & Beatriz Lorenzo Yera (Consultant)
2021Activiteit: Consultancy
Vub Onderzoeksraad presentatie Prof dr K. Byttebier
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
3 feb 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
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Postgraduate course: Reality and expectations for the one-member small private enterprise in Cuba.
Dargel Gonzalez Gonzalez (Lecturer)
8 jan 2021Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Presentatie “The only planet: The land of sustainability, Conferentie 07 december 2021, Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering campus, Ethische aspecten sustainability.
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
7 dec 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Law as an Instrument of Socio-economic Policy
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
3 jun 2021 → 4 jun 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Presentatie “The only planet: The land of sustainability, Conferentie 10 december 2021, Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering campus, Juridische aspecten sustainability.
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
10 dec 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Connecting Community and Local Ownership and Sustainable Food Systems
Kim Van Der Borght (Chair), Roberto Reyes Barrera (Organiser), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Organiser) & José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Organiser)
10 dec 2021Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
Sustainable Development Goals in Research: Interdisciplinary Methodologies
Kim Van Der Borght (Chair), Roberto Reyes Barrera (Organiser), Jorge Freddy Milian Gomez (Organiser) & José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Organiser)
7 dec 2021Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
Tech Talk: Fintech
Kristina Loguinova (Speaker)
5 feb 2020Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) (Externe Organisatie)
Kristina Loguinova (Chair)
3 mrt 2020 → …Activiteit: Work on advisory panel to industry or government or non-government organisation
ILA/BDA Lecture with Prof. Graham Dutfield on "What Is (and Isn’t) Wrong with the Global Pharmaceutical Industry? A Diagnosis and a Prescription in the Light of History"
Roberto Reyes Barrera (Member) & Kim Van Der Borght (Chair)
26 nov 2020Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate