Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 78 resultaten
Determinants of changes in women’s and men’s eating behavior across the transition to parenthood: a focus group study
Vickà Versele (Speaker), Benedicte Deforche (Contributor), Dirk Aerenhouts (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor) & Peter Clarys (Contributor)
11 feb 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Pain and Nutrition in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Case-control Study.
Sevilay Tumkaya Yilmaz (Speaker), Omer Elma (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor), Jo Nijs (Contributor), Nele Devoogdt (Contributor), An De Groef (Contributor), Iris Coppieters (Contributor) & Anneleen Malfliet (Contributor)
31 mei 2019 → 2 jun 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Estimations of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in women and men during pregnancy, is there a gender difference?
Vickà Versele (Speaker), Dirk Aerenhouts (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor) & Eva D'Hondt (Contributor)
7 nov 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Chronic Low Back Pain and Nutrition in Adults: A Case-Control Study
Omer Elma (Presenter), Sevilay Tümkaya Yilmaz (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor), Jo Nijs (Contributor), Iris Coppieters (Contributor), Nele Devoogdt (Contributor), An De Groef (Contributor) & Anneleen Malfliet (Contributor)
28 okt 2019 → 31 okt 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
kinesportevents 2019
Peter Clarys (Invited speaker)
14 jan 2019 → 15 jan 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Change in strength in Flemish adults according to their physical activity level: a 10-year follow-up study.
Dirk Aerenhouts (Speaker), Evelien Mertens (Contributor), Jannique van Uffelen (Contributor), J. Lefevre (Contributor) & Peter Clarys (Contributor)
6 jun 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Whole Body Morphological Asymmetry in High Level Female Tennis Players: A Cross-sectional Pilot Study
Laurent Chapelle (Speaker), Eva D'Hondt (Contributor) & Peter Clarys (Contributor)
6 dec 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
The Role of Dietary Patterns in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review
Omer Elma (Presenter), Sevilay Tümkaya Yilmaz (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor), Jo Nijs (Contributor), Iris Coppieters (Contributor) & Anneleen Malfliet (Contributor)
31 mei 2019 → 2 jun 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Annual meeting of the ISBNPA - Prague (Czech Republic): Nudging students towards higher fruit consumption: an on-campus restaurant experiment.
Marie Vermote (Contributor), Jana Nys (Contributor), Vickà Versele (Contributor), Eva D'Hondt (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor) & Tom Deliens (Speaker)
4 jun 2019 → 7 jun 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
The Relation Between Nutrition and Chronic Pain in Cancer Patients and Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review.
Sevilay Tumkaya Yilmaz (Speaker), Omer Elma (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor), Jo Nijs (Contributor), Anneleen Malfliet (Contributor) & Iris Coppieters (Contributor)
31 mei 2019 → 2 jun 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Chronic Low Back Pain and Nutrition: A Case Control Study.
Omer Elma (Speaker), Sevilay Tümkaya Yilmaz (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor), Jo Nijs (Contributor), An De Groef (Contributor), Nele Devoogdt (Contributor), Iris Coppieters (Contributor) & Anneleen Malfliet (Contributor)
31 mei 2019 → 2 jun 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Annual meeting of ISBNPA - Prague (Czech Republic): TRANSPARENTS: longitudinal study on body weight, body composition and energy balance related behaviour during the transition to parenthood.
Vickà Versele (Speaker), Dirk Aerenhouts (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor) & Peter Clarys (Contributor)
7 jun 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
AGO meeting - Oslo: TRANSPARENTS: research protocol
Vickà Versele (Speaker), Dirk Aerenhouts (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor) & Peter Clarys (Speaker)
21 sep 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
23e Symposium Vereniging voor Kinesiologie
Peter Clarys (Participant)
14 dec 2018Activiteit: Participation in conference
Hydration status in adolescent alpine skiers during training camp
Dirk Aerenhouts (Speaker), Laurent Chapelle (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor) & Evert Zinzen (Contributor)
7 dec 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
DPSG Annual meeting - Rome: TRANSPARENTS: a longitudinal study on body weight, body composition and energy balance related behaviour during the transition to parenthood.
Vickà Versele (Speaker), Dirk Aerenhouts (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor) & Peter Clarys (Contributor)
28 sep 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
TRANSPARENTS: longitudinal study on body weight, body composition and energy balance related behaviour during the transition to parenthood. Study protocol and baseline characteristics.
Vickà Versele (Speaker), Dirk Aerenhouts (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor) & Peter Clarys (Contributor)
14 dec 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Upper Extremity Bone Mineral Content Asymmetries in Tennis Players: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Laurent Chapelle (Speaker), Nikki Rommers (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor), Eva D'Hondt (Contributor) & Jan Taeymans (Contributor)
15 dec 2017Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Sport, Health and Nutrition: Benefits and Risks
Peter Clarys (Chair)
2017Activiteit: Participation in conference
22ste VK symposium - Brussels (Belgium): The effect of a portion size intervention on French fries consumption, satiety and caloric intake: An on-campus restaurant experiment.
Marie Vermote (Speaker), Vickà Versele (Contributor), Marijn Stok (Contributor), Patrick Mullie (Contributor), Eva D'Hondt (Contributor), Benedicte Deforche (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor) & Tom Deliens (Contributor)
15 dec 2017Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Nationaal Gezonderzoek 2016
Peter Clarys (Member of programme committee)
26 okt 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
18th Congress of International Society for Burns Injuries
Peter Clarys (Participant)
29 aug 2016 → 1 sep 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
Hoge Gezondheidsraad (Externe Organisatie)
Peter Clarys (Member)
29 nov 2016Activiteit: Work on academic committees and working groups
Scarcon 2016. The first International Scar Conference of Scar Academy.
Peter Clarys (Participant)
3 jun 2016 → 4 jun 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
Serious Health Games and Apps Conference
Peter Clarys (Participant)
30 nov 2015 → 1 dec 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
kennisuitwisseling en valorisatie VIGeZ – UGent
Peter Clarys (Participant)
8 okt 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
5 provinciale themadagen Vlaamse Ouderenraad 2015
Peter Clarys (Participant)
2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
ISBNPA Conference 2015
Peter Clarys (Participant)
3 jun 2015 → 6 jun 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) Annual Meeting
Peter Clarys (Participant)
3 jun 2015 → 6 jun 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) Annual Meeting
Peter Clarys (Participant)
3 jun 2015 → 6 jun 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
ISBNPA Conference 2015
Peter Clarys (Participant)
3 jun 2015 → 6 jun 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Studiedag Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde
Peter Clarys (Participant)
1 apr 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
European Congress of Sport Science
Peter Clarys (Participant)
24 jun 2015 → 27 jun 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Serious Health Games and Apps Conference
Benedicte Deforche (Participant)
30 nov 2015 → 1 dec 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Science Day 2015 by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University
Peter Clarys (Participant)
5 mrt 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Kennisdag BLOSO-KICS (Kabinet Minister Muyters, Brussel)
Peter Clarys (Participant)
1 apr 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Energy expenditure in novice skiers and snowboarders
Dirk Aerenhouts (Speaker), Loes De Raedemaeker (Contributor), Peter Clarys (Contributor) & Evert Zinzen (Contributor)
14 dec 2013 → 19 dec 2013Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Comparison of BIA and Skinfold prediction of body fatness with underwaterweighing densitometry in a longitudinal study on adolescent sprint athletes.
Dirk Aerenhouts (Speaker), Ellen Van der Aa (Contributor), Jelle Van Cauwenberg (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor), Bart Van Gheluwe (Contributor) & Peter Clarys (Contributor)
28 jul 2013Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
9de Voedings- en gezondheidscongres
Peter Clarys (Participant)
17 nov 2006 → 18 nov 2006Activiteit: Participation in conference
9de Voedings- en gezondheidscongres
Peter Clarys (Participant)
17 nov 2006 → 18 nov 2006Activiteit: Participation in conference
Multidisciplinary approach to overweight. Symposium voor geneesheren. Studiedag
Peter Clarys (Keynote speaker)
22 apr 2006Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Congrès de Physiothérapie
Peter Clarys (Speaker)
21 apr 2006 → 22 apr 2006Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
10th International Conference "Prediction of percutaneous penetration"
Peter Clarys (Participant)
18 apr 2006 → 22 apr 2006Activiteit: Participation in conference
9de Voedings- en gezondheidscongres
Peter Clarys (Participant)
17 nov 2006 → 18 nov 2006Activiteit: Participation in conference