Activiteiten per jaar
- 6 resultaten
Onderzoek naar Socio-economische voordelen van Vroege kanker detectie
Max Lelie (Contributor)
22 feb 2024Activiteit: Written proposal
Integrating spill-over effects into cancer screening health evaluation studies
Max Lelie (Contributor)
9 mei 2023Activiteit: Written proposal
Tackling the socio-economic burden of breast cancer survivorship: can perceived injustice targeted pain neuroscience education decrease healthcare utilization?
Eva Charlotte S Roose (Recipient), Eva Huysmans (Supervisor), Laurence Leysen (Supervisor), Jo Nijs (Supervisor), Rinske Bults (Supervisor), Cornelis Paul Van Wilgen (Supervisor), Annick Timmermans (Supervisor) & David Beckwée (Supervisor)
1 mrt 2022Activiteit: Written proposal
Perceived injustice-targeted pain neuroscience education combined with motivational interviewing: Can we decrease health care utilization in breast cancer survivors?
Eva Charlotte S Roose (Recipient), Laurence Leysen (Supervisor), Eva Huysmans (Supervisor), Rinske Marije Bults (Supervisor), David Beckwée (Supervisor), Cornelis Paul Van Wilgen (Supervisor), Annick Timmermans (Supervisor) & Jo Nijs (Supervisor)
1 mrt 2021Activiteit: Written proposal
The effectiveness of pain neuroscience education in patients at risk for unfavorable outcome following surgery for lumbar radiculopathy: A multicentric randomized controlled trial
Wouter Van Bogaert (Recipient), Eva Huysmans (Supervisor), Iris Coppieters (Supervisor), Koen Putman (Supervisor), Ronald Buyl (Supervisor) & Jo Nijs (Supervisor)
1 nov 2020Activiteit: Written proposal
Perceived Injustice Targeted Pain Education: Can We Decrease Pain and Opioid Use among Breast Cancer Survivors?
Jo Nijs (Recipient), David Beckwée (Contributor), Laurence Leysen (Contributor), Cornelis Paul Van Wilgen (Contributor), Marijke De Couck (Contributor), Eva Huysmans (Contributor) & Rinske Marije Bults (Contributor)
1 okt 2020Activiteit: Written proposal