Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 283 resultaten
Psychobiological mechanisms of psychotherapy in personality disorders
Gina Rossi (Chair)
18 mrt 2024Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
OAP representation (VUB) (Externe Organisatie)
Lander Cannaerts (Chair)
sep 2024 → sep 2025Activiteit: Work on academic committees and working groups
Transformation in probation: The implementation of RNR in Flemish probation services
Anna Vansteenkiste (Speaker), Hanne Willemen (Speaker), Lars Breuls (Speaker), Kristof Verfaillie (Speaker) & Katarzyna Uzieblo (Speaker)
13 sep 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
De transdiagnostische effectiviteit van de Ronnie Gardiner Methode
Xenia Brancart (Speaker)
25 mei 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
NSSI in older adults: An explorative study
Lisa Van Hove (Speaker), Imke Baetens (Contributor), Steven Vanderstichelen (Contributor) & Eva Dierckx (Contributor)
jun 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
A life without children: loneliness among childless older adults from a life course perspective
Hannelore Stegen (Speaker), Liesbeth De Donder (Contributor) & Eva Dierckx (Contributor)
14 jun 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Engaged samenwerken
Gina Rossi (Participant)
24 mei 2024Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
21st European Conference on Personality
Gina Rossi (Participant)
6 aug 2024 → 9 aug 2024Activiteit: Participation in conference
Inclusive language in scientific publishing: Age and aging
Gina Rossi (Participant)
16 okt 2024Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Strengths-Based Approaches to Violence Risk Assessment and Offender Rehabilitation
Gina Rossi (Participant)
10 jun 2024Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
MMPI-3 als up-to-date evidence-based omnibus instrument voor meten van persoonlijkheid(spathologie) en psychopathologie.
Gina Rossi (Keynote speaker)
26 mrt 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Chair/organiser symposium Structure, clinical relevance, and correlates of the ICD-11 maladaptive traits Paper: Age-invariance of the ICD-11 maladaptive trait structure and connection to personality pathology
Gina Rossi (Speaker)
3 apr 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Multi-Group Structural Equation Models/Measurement Invariance
Gina Rossi (Participant)
14 feb 2024Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
PE honours committee (VUB) (Externe Organisatie)
Lander Cannaerts (Chair)
sep 2024 → …Activiteit: Work on academic committees and working groups
Jury onderzoeksproject doctoraatstraject Geneviève Rivard, promotoren Prof. Le Corff & Lapalme (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada) (Evenement)
Gina Rossi (Jury)
21 jun 2024Activiteit: Membership of peer-review panel or committee
2024 BAPS annual meeting (Evenement)
Gina Rossi (Reviewer)
2024 → …Activiteit: Membership of peer-review panel or committee
Beyond diagnostic and therapeutic nihilism in the assessment and treatment of personality disorders in older adults: Dimensional Assessment of Personality Disorders in Older Adults.
Morag Flora Facon (Speaker), Gina Rossi (Contributor), Sebastiaan van Alphen (Contributor) & Eva Dierckx (Contributor)
sep 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Mentaal in conditie: de transdiagnostische effectiviteit van de Ronnie Gardiner Methode
Xenia Brancart (Speaker), Brenda Vanderbeke (Speaker), Eva Dierckx (Speaker), Rudi De Raedt (Speaker), An Haekens (Speaker), Katrijn Abrahams (Speaker) & Gina Rossi (Speaker)
11 sep 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Age-neutrality of the ICD-11 and DSM-5 Level of Personality Functioning and Maladaptive Personality Traits
Morag Flora Facon (Speaker), Gina Rossi (Contributor), Eva Dierckx (Contributor) & S. P. J. (Bas) Van Alphen (Contributor)
2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Bestand -
2023 International Psychogeriatrics Association Congress
Gina Rossi (Participant)
29 jun 2023 → 2 jul 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Workshop kinderuniversiteit: Mijn buurt & Ik
Hannelore Stegen (Speaker) & Freya Häussermann (Speaker)
30 nov 2023Activiteit: Talk at a school event
It all starts with a thoughtful selection: The development of practice-based guidelines for selecting risk assessment tools in probation practice
Hanne Willemen (Speaker), Anna Vansteenkiste (Speaker), Lars Breuls (Speaker), Kristof Verfaillie (Speaker) & Katarzyna Uzieblo (Speaker)
8 sep 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Discover Mental Health (Tijdschrift)
Gina Rossi (Peer reviewer)
2023 → …Activiteit: Publication peer-review
British Society of Gerontology (Externe Organisatie)
Hannelore Stegen (Member)
24 apr 2023 → 25 apr 2024Activiteit: Membership of external research organisation
Gerontological Society of America (Externe Organisatie)
Hannelore Stegen (Member)
27 jun 2023 → 26 jun 2024Activiteit: Membership of external research organisation
Mentaal in conditie! De transdiagnostische effectiviteit van de Ronnie Gardiner Methode (RGM) bij oudere patiënten
Xenia Brancart (Speaker)
9 mrt 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
International Psychogeriatric Association (Externe Organisatie)
Hannelore Stegen (Member)
21 nov 2023 → 20 nov 2024Activiteit: Membership of external research organisation
Early detection of community-dwelling, older, Flemish adults with a suicide risk - a mixed-methods, action-research study
Beau Michèle Nieuwenhuijs (Recipient), G. Portzky (Participant), Nico De Witte (Participant) & Ellen Gorus (Participant)
1 mrt 2023Activiteit: Written proposal
Een blik op het begrip 'eenzaamheid' - ELZ Westhoek
Hannelore Stegen (Speaker)
16 mrt 2023Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
Early detection of community-dwelling, older, Flemish adults with a suicide risk - a proposal for a mixed-methods, action-research study
Beau Michèle Nieuwenhuijs (Speaker), Nico De Witte (Contributor), G. Portzky (Contributor) & Ellen Gorus (Contributor)
5 jul 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Het Alternatieve Model van Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen en de Toepasbaarheid ervan bij Ouderen
Morag Flora Facon (Speaker), Gina Rossi (Speaker), Eva Dierckx (Speaker) & S. P. J. (Bas) Van Alphen (Speaker)
10 feb 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Doctoral School of Human Sciences (VUB) (Externe Organisatie)
Gina Rossi (Chair)
2023 → …Activiteit: Work on academic committees and working groups
Psychology related AI research
Gina Rossi (Participant)
2 jun 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
El Inventory of Depressions and Anxiety Symptoms II (IDAS-II): propiedas psicometrics, interpretación de las puntuaciones y utilidad clinica de la versión en castellano. (Evenement)
Gina Rossi (Jury)
13 okt 2023Activiteit: Member of PhD committee
LEAN feedback and chat GTP
Gina Rossi (Participant)
8 sep 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
MFA Yubico security key webinar
Gina Rossi (Participant)
23 mei 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Webinar FWO & Expertendatabank
Gina Rossi (Participant)
30 mei 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
The Normalcy of Individual Differences: Investigating Dimensional and Hierarchical Psychopathology using the MMPI-2-RF (Evenement)
Gina Rossi (Jury)
15 feb 2023Activiteit: Member of PhD committee
Loneliness Among Involuntarily Childless Older Adults: A Life Course Perspective
Hannelore Stegen (Speaker), Daan Duppen (Contributor), Liesbeth De Donder (Contributor) & Eva Dierckx (Contributor)
8 nov 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Default Open Access @ VUB: What is the policy? What are the guidelines?
Gina Rossi (Participant)
23 okt 2023Activiteit: Participation in conference
An eye for lifetime hidden appearances (Evenement)
Gina Rossi (Supervisor), Ellen Gielkens (Presenter), Sebastiaan van Alphen (Supervisor), Eva Dierckx (Chair), Nico De Witte (Jury), Jacko Sobczak (Jury) & K Slotema (Jury)
24 mei 2023Activiteit: Member of PhD committee
Breaking the taboo of serious illness, dying, and loss in the community: Caring Neighbourhoods in Belgium
Hannelore Stegen (Speaker) & Liesbeth De Donder (Speaker)
8 nov 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Caring neighbourhood and loneliness: Importance of applying a place-based perspective
Hannelore Stegen (Speaker), Leen Heylen (Speaker), Jasper De Witte (Speaker), Rubie Derutter (Speaker), Enrico Filippone (Speaker) & Liesbeth De Donder (Speaker)
22 mei 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Denktank competentiegericht onderwijs (Evenement)
Gina Rossi (Contributor)
8 sep 2023Activiteit: Work on academic committees and working groups
Dimensionale diagnostiek met het DSM-5 alternatief model voor persoonlijkheidsstoornissen
Gina Rossi (Speaker)
23 feb 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Basic concepts of clustering techniques for data science
Gina Rossi (Chair)
9 jan 2023 → 10 jan 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Short research stay
Gina Rossi (Visitor)
11 okt 2023 → 14 okt 2023Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation