Projecten per jaar
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
NSIS3: DESTINY:Koolstofarme oplossingen en technologie voor een nieuwe toekomst: Maatschappelijke Impact Netwerk van het Vlaams Instituut voor Koolstofarme Technologieën (FIDT)
Messagie, M., Coosemans, T., De Cauwer, C., Stiens, J., Munteanu, A., Deligiannis, N., da Silva Gomes, B. T., De Cruz, L., Braeken, A., Touhafi, A., Rahier, H., Hauffman, T., Hubin, A., Bellemans, A., Bram, S., De Troyer, T., Runacres, M., Denayer, J., Van Assche, T., Van Mierlo, J., Vanhaverbeke, L., Jacobs, V. A., Rombaut, E., El Baghdadi, M., Hegazy, O. & Berecibar, M.
1/11/24 → 31/10/29
Project: Fundamenteel
IOFACC12: Tech4Health: Venturing in het domein van de gezondheidstechnologieën van de toekomst.
Stiens, J., Wambacq, P., da Silva Gomes, B. T., Sahli, H., Vandemeulebroucke, J., Jansen, B., Lemeire, J., Steenhaut, K., Munteanu, A., Deligiannis, N., Schelkens, P., Kuijk, M., Parvais, B., Chan, C. W., Van Schependom, J., Touhafi, A., Braeken, A., Runacres, M., Cornelis, B., Schretter, C., Blinder, D., Temmermans, F. & Islamaj, E.
1/01/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Toegepast
BRGRD69: CPC-FARI 2022: Brickiebots 2.0
Vanderborght, B. & Munteanu, A.
1/03/23 → 28/02/25
Project: Policy Based
BRGRD66: Joint R&D 2022: Verkeersverwerking voor stedelijke omgevingen
Munteanu, A. & Yangxintong, L.
1/12/22 → 30/11/25
Project: Policy Based
SRP74: SRP-Onderzoekszwaartepunt: Zelf-lerende signaal- en dataverwerkingssystemen
Schelkens, P., Deligiannis, N., Jansen, B., Munteanu, A., Steenhaut, K., Stiens, J., Vandemeulebroucke, J., Braeken, A., De Cruz, L., Van Schependom, J. & Temmermans, F.
1/11/22 → 31/10/27
Project: Fundamenteel
DeepKalPose: An enhanced deep-learning Kalman filter for temporally consistent monocular vehicle pose estimation
Di Bella, L., Yangxintong, L. & Munteanu, A., 25 apr 2024, In: Electronics Letters. 60, 8, blz. 1-4 4 blz., e13191.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand2 Downloads (Pure) -
Embodied greenhouse gas emissions of buildings—Machine learning approach for early stage prediction
Fenton, S. K., Munteanu, A., De Rycke, K. & De Laet, L., 1 jun 2024, In: Building and Environment. 257, 44 blz., 111523.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand1 Citaat (Scopus)14 Downloads (Pure) -
Joint prototype and coefficient prediction for 3D instance segmentation
Royen, R. D., Denis, L. & Munteanu, A., mrt 2024, In: Electronics Letters. 60, 5, 3 blz., e13137.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand1 Downloads (Pure) -
PCGen: A Fully Parallelizable Point Cloud Generative Model
Vercheval, N., Royen, R. D., Munteanu, A. & Pizurica, A., 22 feb 2024, In: Sensors. 24, 5, 30 blz., 1414.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand2 Downloads (Pure) -
Selecting and combining UWB localization algorithms: insights and recommendations from a multi-metric benchmark
Van Herbrugge, B., Vanhie-Van Gerwen, J., Luchie, S., Durodié, Y., Vanderborght, B., Aernouts, M., Munteanu, A., Fontaine, J. & De Poorter, E., 7 feb 2024, In: IEEE Access. 12, 18 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand4 Citaten (Scopus)11 Downloads (Pure)
BARCO prijs doctoraat 'Wavelet Image Coding and Multiscale Edge Detection Algorithms & applications'
Munteanu, Adrian (Recipient), 2004
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Paper Award
Deligiannis, Nikolaos (Recipient) & Munteanu, Adrian (Recipient), aug 2011
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best paper award IC3D 2019
Faluvégi, Á. (Recipient), Bolsée, Quentin (Recipient), Nedevschi, S. (Recipient), Dadarlat, V. (Recipient) & Munteanu, Adrian (Recipient), 13 dec 2019
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best paper award IC3D 2020
Bolsée, Quentin (Recipient), Darwish, W. A. A. (Recipient), Bonatto, D. (Recipient), Lafruit, G. (Recipient) & Munteanu, Adrian (Recipient), 15 dec 2020
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
IMEC-award for best thesis in engineering sciences for the 2007-2008 academic year at Vrije Universiteit Brussel as promoter of Robin Stevens
Munteanu, Adrian (Recipient), 23 aug 2008
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Interpretable and Explainable Deep Learning for Video Processing
Boris Joseph Joukovsky (Recipient), Nikolaos Deligiannis (Supervisor) & Adrian Munteanu (Supervisor)
1 jan 2020 → 1 aug 2020Activiteit: Written proposal
Achievability of the rate-distortion function in binary uniform source coding with side information
Andrei Sechelea (Speaker), Adrian Munteanu (Contributor), Aleksandra Pizurica (Contributor) & Nikolaos Deligiannis (Contributor)
2016Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
The rate loss in binary source coding with decoder side information
Andrei Sechelea (Speaker), S. Cheng (Contributor), Adrian Munteanu (Contributor) & Nikolaos Deligiannis (Contributor)
2016Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Real-time distributed video coding simulator for 1K- pixel visual sensor
Jan Hanca (Speaker), Nikolaos Deligiannis (Contributor) & Adrian Munteanu (Contributor)
2015Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Binary rate distortion with side information: The asymmetric correlation channel case
Andrei Sechelea (Speaker), S. Cheng (Contributor), Adrian Munteanu (Contributor) & Nikolaos Deligiannis (Contributor)
2015Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
AEON MK.1 Distributed Query System in Internet of Things Networks
Auteur: Deligiannis, N., Munteanu, A. & Ilovan, I., 2023Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Human face recognition based on CNNs
Auteur: Deligiannis, N., Munteanu, A. & Hamouni, H., 2019Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Theta and alpha dynamics during WM: time-frequency and cross-frequency analyses of MEG data
Auteur: Shaheen, H., Rossi, C., Van Schependom, J., Nagels, G., van Mierlo, P. & Munteanu, A., 2023Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis