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Adriana holds three Master's degrees in Natural Resource Management, Education, and Humanitarian Aid & International Cooperation. Her working experience has been focused on education and community development in urban and rural areas, promoting self-management processes and community autonomy using gender-sensitive approaches. She has developed and adapted several participatory and decolonial methodologies to work with young and older adults, mainly in Latin America. 



Adriana Moreno is a postdoctoral researcher at the Educational Sciences department. She has worked with local and Indigenous communities for 15 years as a practitioner and activist. She combines collaborative research approaches and decolonial thought to build bridges between diverse knowledge systems. As a whole, her research focuses on how Indigenous and local knowledge can be engaged to transform the universities into more pluriversal spaces. Adriana is a co-PI on a VLIR- TEAMS project to create a Bolivian community learning research network in sustainable territorial governance.

Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie

Master on Education, Master, Instituto Pedagogico Latino Americano del Caribe IPLAC

Datum van toekenning: 1 mrt 2006


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