Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
I study the effects of cholestasis on connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels. This VUB-KUL joint project intends to investigate the potential of connexin43 and pannexin1 (hemi)channels as drug targets and biomarkers in cholestasis by relying on in vitro and in vivo models as well as on the testing of human cholestatic liver samples.
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
- 1 Afgelopen
Assessment of connexin43 hemichannel functionality based on cytosolic uptake of Yo-Pro1
Van Campenhout, R., Sanz-Serrano, J., Cooreman, A., De Vlaeminck, Y., Breckpot, K., Kadam, P., Tabernilla Garcia, A. & Vinken, M., 2024, Assessment of connexin43 hemichannel functionality based on cytosolic uptake of Yo-Pro1. Mammano, F. & Retamal, M. (redactie). Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2801. blz. 75-85Onderzoeksoutput: Chapter
Assessment of connexin43 hemichannel functionality based on cytosolic uptake of Yo-Pro1
Van Campenhout, R., Sanz-Serrano, J., Cooreman, A., De Vlaeminck, Y., Breckpot, K., Kadam, P., Tabernilla Garcia, A. & Vinken, M., 6 apr 2024, In: Methods in Molecular Biology. 2801, blz. 75-85 11 blz., 6.Onderzoeksoutput: Article
Bestand -
Effects of bile duct ligation on cell junctions in mouse liver
Van Campenhout, R., Cooreman, A., Cogliati, B. & Vinken, M., 21 sep 2023.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Optimization of an adverse outcome pathway network on chemical-induced cholestasis using an artificial intelligence-assisted data collection and confidence level quantification approach
van Ertvelde, J., Verhoeven, A., Maerten, A., Cooreman, A., dos Santos Rodrigues, B., Sanz-Serrano, J., Mihajlovic, M., Tripodi, I., Teunis, M., Jover, R., Luechtefeld, T., Vanhaecke, T., Jiang, J. & Vinken, M., 1 sep 2023, In: Journal of biomedical informatics. 145, 1 blz., 104465.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand10 Citaten (Scopus)40 Downloads (Pure) -
Role of connexins and their channels in cholestasis
Cooreman, A., 2023, 215 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: PhD Thesis
Best oral presentation award
Cooreman, Axelle (Recipient), Caufriez, A. (Recipient), Tabernilla Garcia, Andres (Recipient), Van Campenhout, Raf (Recipient), Leroy, K. (Recipient), Sanz Serrano, Julen (Recipient), Kadam, Prashant (Recipient), dos Santos Rodrigues, B. (Recipient), Lamouroux, A. (Recipient), Ballet, Steven (Recipient), Annaert, P. (Recipient) & Vinken, Mathieu (Recipient), 24 nov 2022
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Poster Presentation Award
Leroy, K. (Recipient), Cooreman, Axelle (Recipient), Van Campenhout, Raf (Recipient), Cogliati, B. (Recipient) & Vinken, Mathieu (Recipient), 24 nov 2022
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Effects of bile duct ligation on cell junctions in mouse liver
Raf Van Campenhout (Speaker), Axelle Cooreman (Contributor), Bruno Cogliati (Contributor) & Mathieu Vinken (Contributor)
22 sep 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Effects of cholestatic drugs on connexins,their channels and bile acid transporters
Axelle Cooreman (Speaker)
18 mrt 2022Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
Effects of drugs formerly repurposed for COVID-19 treatment on connexin43 hemichannels and pannexin1 channels
Axelle Cooreman (Speaker), Anne Caufriez (Contributor), Andres Tabernilla Garcia (Contributor), Raf Van Campenhout (Contributor), Kaat Leroy (Contributor), Julen Sanz Serrano (Contributor), Prashant Kadam (Contributor), Bruna dos Santos Rodrigues (Contributor), Arthur Lamouroux (Contributor), Steven Ballet (Contributor), Pieter Annaert (Speaker) & Mathieu Vinken (Contributor)
24 nov 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
PANACHE workshop
Axelle Cooreman (Participant)
22 nov 2021Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Margo Willems (Chair), Wout De Mey (Chair), Axelle Cooreman (Organiser), Michiel De Coster (Organiser), Hamide Yildirim (Organiser) & Catharina Muylaert (Organiser)
31 mrt 2021Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Effect of COVID-19 drugs on connexin43
Auteur: Willems, O., Cooreman, A. & Vinken, M., 2021Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Effects of COVID-19 drugs and peptidomimetic-based inhibitors on connexins and their channels
Auteur: Nogueira Da Silva Gonçalves, M. D. M., Cooreman, A., Caufriez, A. & Vinken, M., 2022Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis