Onderzoeksoutput per jaar
Onderzoeksoutput per jaar
dr. apr. klinisch bioloog
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette
Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar
Naam Barbara Depreter Adres Zandberg 5 8210 Loppem Geboortedatum 21/06/1988 Geboorteplaats Brugge |
2022-heden |
Expertencomité EKE Sciensano hemato-oncologie en genetische onderzoek |
2022-heden |
President of the Belgian Society for the Advancement of Cytometry. |
2022-heden |
Resident vast kader afdeling Hematologie, afdeling moleculaire hematologie en weefseltypering. |
UZ Brussel |
2020-2022 |
Resident tijdelijk kader afdeling Hematologie, afdeling moleculaire hematologie en weefseltypering. |
UZ Brussel |
2022-heden |
Gastdocent celcursus “cell therapies in transplantation” Biomedische wetenschappen o.l.v. Ivan Van Riet |
VUB Brussel |
2015-heden |
Gastprofessor 3de bachelor Medische Laboratorium Technologie. Praktijkonderdeel bij de lessen hematologie II. |
HOWEST, Brugge |
15/09/2020 |
Doctorandus in de geneeskunde en gezondheidswetenschappen. |
Universiteit Gent |
2019 |
Machtiging als apotheker klinisch bioloog. |
Universiteit Gent |
2019-heden |
Board member Belgian Society for the Advancement of Cytometry. |
2016-2019 |
Doctoraat aspirant (FWO grant 1113119N) vakgroep Inwendige Ziekten en Pediatrie. Doctoraatsonderwerp: de leukemische stamcel als oorzaak van het therapeutisch falen bij pediatrische AML. |
Universiteit Gent |
2013 |
Behalen van de academische graad ‘Master-na-master in de Klinische Biologie’ met grootste onderscheiding (864/1000). |
Universiteit Gent |
2012 |
Behalen certificaat bloedafname voor apothekers-klinisch biologen. |
Universiteit Gent |
2011 |
Behalen masterproef Farmaceutische Wetenschappen: Evaluation and validation of the Tacrolimus assay on a Dimension, Cobas 6000 and Architect platform and comparison with LC-MS/MS. Begeleiding: apr. klin. Biol. Hilde Vanpoucke (AZ Delta, Roeselare). |
Universiteit Gent |
2011 |
Behalen van de academische graad ‘Master in de Geneesmiddelenontwikkeling, Farmaceutische Wetenschappen’ met grote onderscheiding (2009-2010: 843/1000 (ranking 1/172); 2010-2011: 783/1000 (ranking 11/168)). |
Universiteit Gent |
2009 |
Behalen van de academische graad ‘Bachelor in de Farmaceutische Wetenschappen’ met grote onderscheiding (2006-2007: 733/1000 (ranking 48/188); 2007-2008: 829/1000 (ranking 1/152); 2008-2009: 818/1000 (ranking 4/110)). |
Universiteit Gent |
2006 |
Behalen diploma secundair onderwijs, afstudeerrichting ‘Wetenschappen-Wiskunde (6u)’. |
Sint-Andreas Lyceum, Brugge |
2014-2015 |
Afdeling Hematologie: flowcytometrie, morfologie en moleculaire biologie (6 maand), speciale stolling (6 maand). |
UZ Gent |
2013-2014 |
Afdeling Microbiologie: bacteriologie en virologie (9 maand). |
UZ Gent |
2013 |
Afdeling Scheikunde: 24-uurs laboratorium (3 maand). |
UZ Gent |
2012-2013 |
Afdeling Hematologie: routine hematologie, flowcytometrie en morfologie (12 maand). |
AZ St-Jan ziekenhuis Brugge |
2011-2012 |
Afdeling Scheikunde: routine en speciale scheikunde (12 maand). |
AZ St-Jan ziekenhuis Brugge |
2018-2019 |
Laboratorium management. |
UA, Antwerpen |
2018 |
Cursus R voor SPSS gebruikers. |
Universiteit Gent |
2018 |
Advanced qPCR course. |
Biogazelle, Gent |
2018 |
Doctoral Schools specialist course on Cancer. |
Universiteit Gent |
2017-2018 |
Onderzoeksstage in het Cancer Center Amsterdam (3 maand). |
VUmc, NL |
2016 |
Digital PCR specialist course. |
Universiteit Gent |
2016 |
Introduction to R. |
Universiteit Gent |
2016 |
Behalen van attest in cursus ‘Advanced Writing Skills’. |
Universiteit Gent |
2015 |
Behalen van attest in cursus ‘Statistische analyse in SPSS’. |
Universiteit Gent |
2014 |
Statistical Genome analysis - Advanced Statistics methods. |
IVPV, Zwijnaarde |
2014 |
Behalen van attest in ‘Conversatiegericht Frans’. |
Perspectief, Gent |
2013 |
Behalen van attest in BHS educational course in hematologie. |
BHS, Brussel |
2019 |
ASH Abstract Achievement Award voor het abstract “Deciphering Molecular Heterogeneity in Pediatric AML Using a Cancer Vs Normal Transcriptomic Approach”. |
2019 |
Travel Grant voor het abstract “TARP as immunotherapeutic target in AML expressed in the LSC compartment.” 24th congress of the European Hematology Association, Amsterdam, Nederland. |
2014 |
Posterprijs uitgereikt door de Belgian Society for Clinical Biology voor abstract “Treponemal tests for serodiagnosis of syphilis: comparative evaluation of five assays on Architect syphilis positive sera.” |
2012 |
National laureate van de ‘Young Scientist Society’, uitgereikt door de European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM), gebaseerd op het artikel “Accuracy of three automated 25-hydroxyvitamin D assays in haemodialysis patients.”
Vanhooren J, Van Camp L, Depreter B, et al. Deciphering the long non-coding RNA landscape of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. In review for Cancers. 2022
Vanhooren J, Derpoorter C, Depreter B, et al. The role of TARP as an antigen in cancer immunotherapy. Published in Cancer Immunology 2021 May 29;1-8. doi: 10.1007/s00262-021-02972-x.
De Haes I, Corveleyn H, Depreter B et al . Basophils unchained: a rare form of leukaemia. Ann Hematol Oncol. 2021; 8(12): 1378.
Hofmans M, Lammens T, Depreter B et al. Long Non-Coding RNAs as Novel Therapeutic Targets in Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia. Published in Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 2;11(1):2801.
Demeester S, Demuyser T, Fauconnier C, Heestermans R, Orlando C, Depreter B, Jochmans K. Routine haematology parameters in COVID-19 patients and clinical outcome: A Belgian single-centre study. Published in Int J Lab Hematol. 2020 Dec;42(6):e252-e255. doi: 10.1111/ijlh.13313.
Cools N, Depreter B, van der Velden V.H.J; on behalf of the Belgian Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (BSAC) and the Dutch Cytometry Society. Joint BSAC-NVC Congress 2019: A colourful world. Published in Belg J Hematol 2020;11(4):185-189.
Depreter B, De Moerloose B, Vandepoele K, Uyttebroeck A, Van Damme A, Terras E, Denys B, Dedeken L, Dresse MF, Van der Werff Ten Bosch J, Hofmans M, Philippé J and Lammens T. Deciphering Molecular Heterogeneity in Pediatric AML Using a Cancer Vs Normal Transcriptomic Approach. Published in Pediatr Res. 2020 Oct 17. pii: 10.1038/s41390-020-01199-3.
Depreter B, De Moerloose B, Philippé J and Lammens T. Leukemic stem cells in AML: where are we now? An update on recent findings and detection. Published in Belg J Hematol 2020;11(6):246-52.
Depreter B, De Moerloose B, Vandepoele K, Terras E, Uyttebroeck A, Van Damme A, Ferster A, Van der Werff Ten Bosch J, Dresse MF, Hofmans M, Kerre T, Vandekerckhove B, Philippé J and Lammens T. Clinical significance of TARP expression in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Published in Hemasphere. 2020 Feb 26;4(2):e346.
Depreter B, Weening K, Vandepoele K, Essand M, De Moerloose B, Themeli M, Cloos J, Hanekamp D, Moors I, D'hont I, Denys B, Uyttebroeck A, Van Damme A, Dedeken L, Snauwaert S, Goetgeluk G, De Munter S, Kerre T, Vandekerckhove B, Lammens T, Philippé J. TARP is an immunotherapeutic target in AML expressed in the leukemic stem cell compartment. Published in Haematologica 2019. 105(5):1306-1316.
Depreter B, Philippé J, Meul M, Denys B, Vandepoele K, De Moerloose B, Lammens T. Cancer-related mRNA expression analysis using a novel flow cytometry-based assay. Published in Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2017 Oct 5. doi: 10.1002/cyto.b.21593.
Hanekamp D, Denys B, Kaspers GJL, te Marvelde JG, Schuurhuis GJ, De Haas V, De Moerloose B, de Bont ES, Zwaan CM, de Jong A, Depreter B, Lammens T, Philippé J, Cloos J, van der Velden VHK. Leukaemic Stem Cell Load at Diagnosis Predicts the Development of Relapse in Paediatric Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. Published in Br J Haematol. 2017 Oct 26. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14991.
Depreter B, Devreese K. M. J. Dilute Russell’s viper venom time reagents in lupus anticoagulant testing: a well-considered choice. Published in Clin Chem Lab Med 2016. DOI 10.1515/cclm-2016-0245.
Depreter B, Stove V, Delanghe J. Sampling on ice does not yield correct uric acid monitoring in rasburicase-treated patients. Published in Clinical Biochemistry 49 (2016) 1390–1395.
Depreter B, Devreese K. M. J. Differences in lupus anticoagulant final conclusion through clotting time or Rosner index for mixing test interpretation. Published in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2016, Aug16,vol:54, iss:9.
Van Cauwenberge MG, Depreter B, Dumoulin EN, Emmerechts J, Nollet F, Vanopdenbosch LJ. Bing-Neel Syndrome: two unexpected cases and review of the literature. Published in Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2015, Sep 15;356(1-2):19-26.
Depreter B, A. C. Heijboer, M. R. Langlois. Accuracy of three automated 25-hydroxyvitamin D assays in haemodialysis patients. Published in Clinica Chimica Acta 2013, volume 415, 255-260.
Depreter B, Dumoulin E, Billiet J, Cauwelier B, Maes B, Matthys C, Van Droogenbroeck J, Nollet F, Emmerechts J. Biclonal biphenotypical B-cell lymphocytosis: a CLL in disguise? Published in Belgian Journal of Hematology 2014;5(4):143-7.
Depreter B, Dumoulin E, Selleslag D, Emmerechts J, Billiet J. Sebastian Syndrome, de kunst van het kijken. Published in Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie 2014;10:33-4. Peer-reviewed (A2).
2022 |
Promotor: Validatie van een flowcytometrische kruisproef (FCXM) assay bij nier transplant patiënten en de huidige gouden standaard complement-gebaseerde cytotoxiciteit (CDC) assay. |
Farmaceutische wetenschappen, VUB |
2021-2022 |
Co-promotor: Clinical validation of a Real-Time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and next-generation sequencing-based assays of mutations NPM1 and Flt3-ITD to improve clinical assessment of MRD for Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients. |
Biomedische wetenschappen, VUB |
2022 |
Jury member PhD thesis of Yvette Lufungulo Bahati. ANEMIA AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH ASYMPTOMATIC MALARIA, IRON AND ZINC DEFICIENCIES, AND FERROPORTIN Q248H MUTATION IN CHILDREN AGED UNDER 5 YEARS IN SOUTH KIVU/DRCONGO. Thesis submitted to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Health Sciences |
University of Ghent |
2021-2022 |
Co-promotor: de rol van HLA compatibiliteit tussen partners in geval van reproductief falen |
Geneeskunde en gezondheidswetenschappen, VUB |
2021 |
Jury member PhD thesis of Sarah Bonte. TCR-based T cell immunotherapy for AML: Multidimensional aids in optimizing treatment and patient identification. Thesis submitted to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Health Sciences. |
University of Ghent |
Dilute Russell’s viper venom time reagents in lupus anticoagulant testing: a well-considered choice. Annual meeting of the Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine and Joint meeting with the Belgian Bone club on Bone Turn-over and Bone Resorption Markers (15-16 October 2016, Liège, Belgium).
Evaluation of seven real-time PCR mixes for bacterial DNA contamination in 16S rRNA PCR (oral session: ‘PCR-based diagnosis: what's new?’). 25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (25-29 April 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark).
The value of SOX11 overexpression in the differential diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma. Belgian Hematology Society Annual Meeting (30-31 January 2014, Ghent, Belgium).
Importance of accurate 25(OH)D monitoring in haemodialysis patients. 20th IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (20-24 May 2013, Milano, Italy).
Linskens E, Depreter B, et al. A rare case of chronic myeloid leukemia in blast phase with laboratory diagnostic challenges. Belgian Hematology Society Annual Meeting. 2022. Brussels, Belgium.
Depreter B, De Moerloose B, Vandepoele K, Uyttebroeck A, Van Damme A, Denys B, Dedeken L, Dresse MF, Van der Werff Ten Bosch J, Hofmans M, Kerre T, Vandekerckhove B, Philippé J and Lammens T. Clinical significance of TARP expression in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. SIOP 2020.
Depreter B, Hofmans M, Terras E, Uyttebroeck A, Van Damme A, Ferster A, Van der Werff Ten Bosch J, Dresse MF, Vandepoele K, De Moerloose B, Philippé J and Lammens T. Deciphering Molecular Heterogeneity in Pediatric AML Using a Cancer Vs Normal Transcriptomic Approach. 61st Annual Meeting and Exposition (December 7-10, 2019) in Orlando, FL, USA.
Hofmans M, Depreter B, Lammens T, Philippe J, De Moerloose B. Long non-coding RNAs as novel therapeutic targets in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: proof of concept study. 61st Annual Meeting and Exposition (December 7-10, 2019) in Orlando, FL, USA.
Depreter B, Weening K, Vandepoele K, Essand M, De Moerloose B, Themeli M, Cloos J, Hanekamp D, Moors I, D'hont I, Denys B, Uyttebroeck A, Van Damme A, Dedeken L, Snauwaert S, Goetgeluk G, De Munter S, Kerre T, Vandekerckhove B, Lammens T, Philippé J. TARP as immunotherapeutic target in AML expressed in the LSC compartment. 24th EHA Congress.2019. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
B. Depreter, B. Denys, M.H.C. Bakkus, B. De Moerloose, J. Philippé, T. Lammens, L. Willems, K. Vandepoele, V. Mondelaers. MRD discrepancy during follow-up of p190 BCR-ABL1+ childhood B-ALL: diagnosis of a ‘CML-like’ ALL subgroup. Belgian Hematology Society Annual Meeting. 2019. Brussels, Belgium.
B. Depreter, D. Hanekamp, T. Lammens, B. De Moerloose, E. Sonneveld, B. Denys, A. De Jong, GJ. Kaspers, GJ. Schuurhuis, J. Philippé, J. Cloos. Role of CLEC12A in the LSC compartment of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia at diagnosis versus relapse. Abstract only. 23nd European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
B. Depreter,B. Denys, J. Philippé. Distinction of leukemic B-lymphoblasts from normal B-cell precursors according to EuroFlow-based cut-offs for CD24, CD38, CD58 and CD66c. 6th ESLHO symposium, Leiden, The Netherlands.
B. Depreter,K. Vandepoele, B. De Moerloose, B. Denys, J. Philippé, T. Lammens. Leukemic stem cell-related mRNA expression analysis using a novel flow cytometry-based assay. 22nd European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress 2017, Madrid, Spain.
B. Depreter,M. Meul, B. Denys, B. De Moerloose, E. Terras, K. Vandepoele, J. Philippé, T. Lammens. PrimeFlow™ RNA Assay: a novel technique for single-cell expression analysis in heterogeneous cell populations. Belgian Hematology Society Annual Meeting. 2017. Brussels, Belgium.
B. Depreter, K. Devreese. Differences between dilute Russell’s viper venom time reagents in lupus anticoagulant testing. European Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ECTH). 2016. The Hague, the Netherlands.
B. Depreter,L. Coorevits, P. Cools, J. Boelens, I. Leroux-Roels, E. Padalko, K. Vandepoele, G. Claeys, B. Verhasselt. Implementation of selection criteria to identify samples for which 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing is clinically relevant. 26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
B. Depreter, J. Philippé, B. Denys. Distinguishing leukemic B-lymphoblasts from normal B-cell precursors based on the expression of CD24, CD38, CD58 and CD66c. 10th Biennial Childhood Leukemia Symposium. 2016. Athens, Greece.
B. Depreter, J. Philippé, B. Denys. Distinguishing leukemic B-lymphoblasts from normal B-cell precursors using cut-off values for expression of CD24, CD38, CD58 and CD66c. Belgian Hematology Society Annual Meeting. 2016. Brussels, Belgium.
B. Depreter, K. M. J. Devreese. Clotting time or Rosner index for mixing test interpretation makes a difference in the overall lupus anticoagulant test result.Belgian Society for Thrombosis and Haemostatis Annual Meeting. 2015. Brussels, Belgium.
B. Depreter, V. Stove, J. Delanghe. Even sampling on ice does not entirely prevent temperature-dependent uricolysis in rasburicase-treated patients. Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine Annual Meeting. 2015. Brussels, Belgium.
H. Stepman, K. Maelegheer, B. Depreter, F. Haerynck, S. De Schepper, C. Dhooge, V. Bordon, C. Bonroy. Diagnosing Chédiak-Higashi, added value of the laboratory. International society for laboratory hematology, 19 - 21 May 2015. Chicago Illinois, USA
B. Depreter, S. Deridder, E. Padalko. Comparison of the BioPlex®2200 EBV assay with a classical two-tiered approach. Category Virology non-HIV/non-hepatitis.25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 25– 29 April 2015. Copenhagen, Denmark.
S. Jonckheere, A. Boel, B. Depreter, M. Van Esbroeck, E. Padalko. Treponemal tests for serodiagnosis of syphilis: comparative evaluation of five assays on Architect syphilis positive sera.– Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine Annual Meeting. 18/10/2014. Leuven, Belgium.
E. Dumoulin*, B. Depreter*, L. Vanopdenbosch, J. Emmerechts, F. Nollet, D. Selleslag, A. Van Hoof, J. Billiet. Bing-Neel syndrome: report of two cases. Belgian Hematology Society Annual Meeting. 30/01/2014. Ghent, Belgium. (*both authors contributed equally)
B. Depreter, A. C. Heijboer, M. R. Langlois. Accuracy of three automated 25-hydroxyvitamin D assays in haemodialysis patients. Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine Annual Meeting. 15/10/2012. Liège, Belgium.
B. Depreter, J. Emmerechts, B. Cauwelier. Evaluation of CD200 expression in the differential diagnosis of CD5+ B cell NHLs. Belgian Hematology Society Annual Meeting. January 2012. Ghent, Belgium.
B. Depreter, M. Hutsebaut, M. Langlois, S. Roggeman, M. Hidajat. EliA™ CTD screen: enzyme fluoroimmunoassay for ANA detection. 8th International Congress on Autoimmunity. 2012. Granada, Spain.
B. Depreter, A. Vermeersch, M. Hutsebaut. The antiphospholipid syndrome: ACA analysis on ImmunoCAP250 with EliA compared to a manual ELISA. 8th International Congress on Autoimmunity. 2012. Granada, Spain (accepted abstract, no poster).
B. Depreter, K. Croes, J. Van Bocxlaer,H. Vanpoucke. Evaluation of 3 immunoassays for the quantification of Tacrolimus and Cyclosporin A and correlation with LC-MS. Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine Annual Meeting. 22/04/2010. Antwerp, Belgium.
Blood and bone marrow differentiation by flowcytometry. Presentor of a workshop at biënnale MB&C22 congres, AP Hogeschool Antwerpen, 12/05/2022.
AML met monocytoide uitrijping. NVC congres Zwolle 2020.
Leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia. Presentatie tijdens de Laboratory sessions of BSAC, Belgian Hematology Society Annual Meeting, 14-15 February 2020, Dole-la-Hulpe, Belgium.
22nd EHA congress: Key messages voor de praktijk. Postgraduaatvergadering UZ Gent, 2017. Compensaties en voltages in flowcytometrie. UZ Gent 2016.
Het flowcytometrisch onderscheid tussen hematogonen en leukemische B-ALL blasten o.b.v.de expressie van CD24, CD38, CD58 en CD66c. Stafvergadering UZ Gent 2015.
Cytomorfologische analyse van klieren en vochten. UZ Gent 2015.
Microbiologische casuïstiek bij de zwangere vrouw & pasgeborene. Stafvergadering UZ Gent 2015.
Nieuwe geïntroduceerde test: 16S rDNA real-time PCR. Stafvergadering UZ Gent 2014.
Exampla rara uit de hematologie. Stafvergadering UZ Gent 2014.
Master-na-master Klinische biologie voor apothekers. Postgraduaatvergadering UZ Gent, 2013.
Minimal residual disease (MRD) detection AML/ALL (flowcytometrie en moleculaire analyses). Postgraduaatvergadering UZ Gent, 2013.
Minimale residuele ziekte detectie bij AML met flowcytometrie. AZ St-Jan Brugge, 2013.
Morfologie van perifeer bloed en beenmerg. AZ St-Jan Brugge, 2013.
Nieuwe inzichten in zowel de pre-analytische, analytische als post-analytische fase bij diagnostiek van broncho-alveolaire lavages. AZ St-Jan Brugge, 2013.
Kritische evaluatie van een laboratorium onderzoek: Creatinine en zijn problematiek. AZ St-Jan Brugge, 2012.
Nieuwe richtlijnen bij xanthochromie bepaling: principe en belang. AZ St-Jan Brugge, 2012.
Plaats van immunoassays binnen toxicologische screening. UZ Gent. Toelatingsproef Klinische biologie.
Teacher bachelor MLT, Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen
2017 → …
Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Barbara Depreter (Participant)
Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Barbara Depreter (Speaker)
Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Barbara Depreter (Member of programme committee)
Activiteit: Participation in conference
Barbara Depreter (Participant)
Activiteit: Participation in conference
Barbara Depreter (Participant)
Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis