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Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel


My research interests focus on understanding the processes controlling geohazards, and the spatial/temporal distribution of geohazard events, in data scarcity context, with a specific focus on Africa. I more specifically study physical processes governing volcanism, landslides and floods, using different techniques of remote sensing and photogrammetry.

I am particularly interested in studies requiring original approaches, in complex adventurous natural environments, where data are limited or inexistant.

This research is framed by the interests and key preoccupations of my African partners, with whom I actively collaborate through my two institutions, i.e., the VUB and the AfricaMuseum.

The tackled research questions do not only feed local needs, but also contribute to global societal and environmental challenges, in terms of both disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.


  • African volcanism / rift volcanism
  • Geohazards in Tropical Africa
  • Remote sensing of geohazards
  • Multispectral and (In)SAR remote sensing
  • SfM-MVS photogrammetry
  • UAV image acquisition
  • Geospatial analysis
  • Data scarcity context
  • Fieldwork in complex natural environments

Externe posities

Senior Researcher, Royal Museum for Central Africa

1 okt 2020 → …

Postdoc Researcher, Royal Museum for Central Africa

1 apr 201630 sep 2020

Postdoc Researcher, European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology

1 jan 201631 mrt 2016

PhD Researcher, European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology

1 jan 201231 dec 2015

Junior Researcher, Royal Museum for Central Africa

17 sep 200731 dec 2011


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  • 1 Soortgelijke profielen

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