Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
- Prof. dr. ir. Bram Vanderborght was born in Belgium in 1980. I received the degree in the study of Mechanical Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2003 with highest distinction. Since 2003 I was researcher at the VUB, supported by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO). In May 2007 I received my PhD in Applied. The focus of my research was the use of adaptable compliance of pneumatic artificial muscles in the dynamically balanced biped Lucy. In May-June 2006 I performed research on the humanoids robot HRP-2 at the Joint Japanese/French Robotics Laboratory (JRL) in AIST, Tsukuba (Japan)in the research "Dynamically stepping over large obstacles by the humanoid robot HRP-2". I received a 3-year post-doc grant with mobility grant from the FWO. From October 2007-April 2010 I worked as post-doc researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova (Italy) on the humanoid robot iCub and compliant actuation. Since October 2009, I am appointed as professor at the VUB where I teach mechatronics and give a robotics project. From October 2011-Sept 2016, I was research director at the Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy with a project on robot assisted therapy with ASD children and VUB-PI of the DREAM project. I received an ERC Starting Grant on Series-Parallel Elastic Actuation for Robotics (SPEAR). I am currently coordinating the EU FET SHERO on self healing soft robotics and Marie Curie ITN SMART. I was member of the Young Academy of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts. My research interests includes cognitive and physical human robot interaction, robot assisted therapy, humanoids and rehabilitation robotics with core technology of using variable impedance actuators (see here for overview).
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
FWOSB178: Veilige controle voor non-prehensile transport door heterogene robot teams.
Omer, M., Van de Perre, G. & Vanderborght, B.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Toegepast
FWOTM1230: EMSOR: Geïntegreerde Multimodale Detectie in ZelfHestellende Zachte Robots
Terryn, S., Vanderborght, B. & Van Assche, G.
1/10/24 → 30/09/27
Project: Fundamenteel
OZR4307: OZR opvangmandaat post doc Seyedreza Kashef Tabrizian
Vanderborght, B. & Kashef Tabrizian, S.
1/10/24 → 30/09/25
Project: Fundamenteel
FWOTM1234: Onderzoek naar metafluïda om het comfort van fysieke mens-robot-interfaces te verbeteren
Roels, E., Vanderborght, B. & Brancart, J.
1/10/24 → 30/09/27
Project: Fundamenteel
OZR4315: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - KU Leuven, ROSHANDEL Nima
19/04/24 → 18/04/28
Project: Fundamenteel
A Variable Sensing Range Electrical Impedance Tomography Sensor for Robot Electric Skins
Wang, Z., Chen, H., Wang, K., Vanderborght, B. & Terryn, S., 17 jan 2025, (Accepted/In press) In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Certified Safe and Real-Time Control of Robotic Systems with Explicit Reference Governors
Convens, B., Merckaert, K., Nicotra, M. & Vanderborght, B., 30 mrt 2025, Nonlinear and Constrained Control: Applications, Synergies, Challenges and Opportunities. Garone, E., Kolmanovsky, I. & Nguyen, T. W. (redactie). Springer Nature, (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; vol. 496).Onderzoeksoutput: Chapter › peer review
Low-power Energy Management Module for Ambiently Powered Robotic Swarms
Mokhtari, M., Haji Ali Mohamadi, P., Subotic, D., Singh, R. K., Vanderborght, B., Weyn, M. & Famaey, J., 7 jan 2025, 2024 IEEE 21st International Conference on Smart Communities: Improving Quality of Life using AI, Robotics and IoT (HONET). IEEE Explore, blz. 209-216 8 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper
Open AccessBestand5 Downloads (Pure) -
On an almost closed-form fast generation of Euclidean shortest path trajectories in cluttered environments
Benhamouche, O., Asani, Z., Cotorruelo Jimenez, A., Wauthion, . B., Vanderborght, B. & Garone, E., 2025, (Accepted/In press) International Conference on Automation, Robotics, and Applications.Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper
Reconfigurable modular soft actuator using origami structures with self-healing materials
Mena, L., Terryn, S., Vanderborght, B. & Monje, C. A., 13 jan 2025, (Accepted/In press) In: IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
A soft pneumatic actuator with integrated deformation sensing elements produced exclusively with extrusion based additive manufacturing
Georgopoulou Papadonikolaki, A. (Creator), Egloff, L. (Creator), Vanderborght, B. (Creator) & Clemens, F. (Creator), Zenodo, 12 jan 2022
Documentation and instruction for the tutorial: Finite Element Analysis-based soft robotic modeling: Simulating a soft-actuator in SOFA
Ferrentino, P. (Creator), Roels, E. (Creator), Brancart, J. (Creator), Terryn, S. (Creator), Van Assche, G. (Creator) & Vanderborght, B. (Creator), Zenodo, 24 mrt 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7838026,
Multi-material 3D Printing of Thermoplastic Elastomers for Development of Soft Robotic Structures with Integrated Sensor Elements
Georgopoulou Papadonikolaki, A. (Creator), Vanderborght, B. (Creator) & Clemens, F. (Creator), Zenodo, 1 sep 2021
Fabrication of a Soft Robotic Gripper With Integrated Strain Sensing Elements Using Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing
Georgopoulou Papadonikolaki, A. (Creator), Vanderborght, B. (Creator) & Clemens, F. (Creator), Zenodo, 1 nov 2021
Documentation and instructions for the tutorial: building your own self-healing soft finger with embedded sensor
Roels, E. (Creator), Terryn, S. (Creator), Ferrentino, P. (Creator), Brancart, J. (Creator), Van Assche, G. (Creator) & Vanderborght, B. (Creator), Zenodo, 22 mei 2022
Best Conference Paper Award (Mobility of Humanoid Robots:Stepping over Large Obstacles Dynamically)
Vanderborght, Bram (Recipient), 2006
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Extended Abstract Award (Implementing a humanoid service robot to attract and convert shoppers: An observational study comparing placement strategies
De Gauquier, L. (Recipient), Brengman, Malaika (Recipient), Willems, Kim (Recipient), Cao, Hoang Long (Recipient) & Vanderborght, Bram (Recipient), 4 sep 2020
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best IROS 2012 Jubilee Video Award video
Vanderborght, Bram (Recipient), 2012
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best paper award (Dutch Foundation of Neural networks 2021)
Liu, Gaoyuan (Recipient), De Winter, Joris (Recipient), Vanderborght, Bram (Recipient), Nowe, Ann (Recipient) & Steckelmacher, Denis (Recipient), 2021
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Paper Award (Efficient-walking with ankle actuation: learning from biomechanics) Proceedings of CLAWAR 2008 - 11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots
Vanderborght, Bram (Recipient), 2008
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
ITF World 2024
Bram Vanderborght (Supervisor), Constantin Scholz (Supervisor), Shirley Elprama (Host), Nima Roshandel (Host), Mariane Shhaitly (Host), Sébastien Menet (Host), Hamed Firouzipouyaei (Host), Aleksander Burkiewicz (Host), Milan Amighi (Host), Emil Imrith (Host), Dylan Warawout Sisavath (Host) & Nassim El-Mansori (Host)
21 mei 2024 → 22 mei 2024Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a festival/exhibition
Bio-based reversible covalent networks and their application in soft robotics
Guy Van Assche (Speaker), Jessica Mangialetto (Contributor), Marlies Thys (Contributor), Aleix Costa Cornellà (Contributor), Seppe Terryn (Contributor), Niko Van den Brande (Contributor), Joost Brancart (Contributor) & Bram Vanderborght (Contributor)
17 mrt 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Bestand -
Optimistic Reinforcement Learning-Based Skill Insertions for Task and Motion Planning
Gaoyuan Liu (Speaker), Joris De Winter (Speaker), Yuri Durodié (Speaker), Denis Steckelmacher (Speaker), Ann Nowe (Speaker) & Bram Vanderborght (Speaker)
26 sep 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Written proposal for FWO Fellowship strategic basic research
Mohayad Omer (Recipient), Greet Van de Perre (Supervisor) & Bram Vanderborght (Supervisor)
2024Activiteit: Written proposal
Implementation of a Heterogeneous Multi-Robot System for a Construction Task
Zemerart Asani (Speaker), Bram Vanderborght (Contributor), Emanuele Garone (Contributor) & Michele Ambrosino (Contributor)
9 jul 2023 → 14 jul 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Self-locking, self-healing, multi-material suction cups
Zhanwei Wang, Hendrik Cools, Simon Gert L Beckers, Seppe Terryn & Bram Vanderborght
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: !!Research
Robot en mens zij aan zij in Audi Vorst
An Jacobs, Shirley Elprama, Charlotte Jewell, Bram Vanderborght & Ilias El Makrini
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: !!Research
Uniek Belgisch testproject laat mens en robot vlot samenwerken
An Jacobs, Shirley Elprama, Charlotte Jewell, Ilias El Makrini & Bram Vanderborght
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: !!Research
Arbeider van de Audi fabriek
An Jacobs, Shirley Elprama, Charlotte Jewell, Bram Vanderborght & Ilias El Makrini
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: !!Research
Physical Chemical and Thermo-mechanical Characterization of Reversible and Partially Reversible Dynamic Polymer Networks for Self-Healing Applications
Auteur: Diaz Acevedo, M. M., Van Mele, B. A., Van Assche, G., Vanderborght, B., De Graeve, I., Maurer, F. H., Hoogenboom, R. & Wouters, M., 5 feb 2016Begeleider: Van Mele, B. (Promotor), Van Assche, G. (Promotor) & Scheltjens, G. (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis