Foto van Cedric Van Dijck
  • Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussels


  • Bron: Scopus
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Persoonlijk profiel


I am an FWO postdoctoral fellow in English and Comparative Literature at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and a visiting researcher at the University of Cape Town. My work pursues two main lines of inquiry: global periodical studies (especially in Sub-Saharan Africa) and modernist literature (with a focus on war and empire in the work of figures like Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster and Mulk Raj Anand). I have written on these topics for venues such as PMLAModernist Cultures and the Times Literary Supplement.  

I am the author of Modernism, Material Culture and the First World War (Edinburgh UP, 2023), and a co-editor of the Edinburgh Companion to First World War Periodicals (Edinburgh UP, 2023) and The Intellectual Response to the First World War (Sussex AP, 2017). Before coming to Brussels, I studied English Literature in Leuven (BA), Edinburgh (MSc) and Ghent (MSc, PhD), and held postdoctoral fellowships at Ghent University, the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo and Yale University. I was also a visiting lecturer at Fordham University (2019-20) and a visiting PhD student at the University of Cambridge (2017).

I was elected to the Jonge Academie in 2024.

Contact: [email protected]




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