Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
Main functions:
Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, VUB
Director, LEAD Academic Network
Director, EU-China Higher Education Research Center
Director, ALO-OBL Academy (Online and Blended Learning)
Committee/Council/Raad Membership:
Raad Internationaal Beleid (RIB) VUB
VLOR werkgroep Internationale Tendensen Hogeronderwijsbeleid
Exchange coordinator Educatiewetenschappen Faculty PE VUB
Ethische Commissie Humane Wetenschappen VUB
Faculteitsraad Faculty PE VUB
Opleidingsraad Educatiewetenschappen PE VUB
Facultair contactpersoon BAEF – Fullbright
Main teaching courses
Current courses for Master in Educational Sciences:
- E-Learning Environments
- Professional Development and Leadership
- Research Seminar & Research Ethics
- Thesis Seminar
Course micro-credential (MC)
· E-Learning Environments
Additional past courses for Master in Educational Sciences:
· Educational Design
· Applied Statistics
MOOC/OER courses
· Academic Leadership Development (YAL, young-level)
· Academic Leadership Development (MAL, middle-level)
· Academic Leadership Development (SAL, senior-level)
· E-Teach Online Course (OER)
Summer/Winter courses
- European Education and Culture
Main research areas:
- Innovations in higher education;
- Higher education governance and academic leadership;
- Digital academic leadership;
- Educational leadership;
- Online and Blended learning; Online collaborative learning; Online learning communities; E-learning and constructivist learning environment; Micro-learning and Mobile learning;
- Educational innovations & MOOCs;
- Teacher competencies in innovative teaching and learning;
- Teacher roles and adoption of educational technologies;
- Feedback strategies and formative assessment in blended and online learning environments;
- Digital media literacy education;
- Cross-cultural study of student learning;
- Organizational culture and educational innovations
Supervision of ongoing PhD projects:
1) Marta Lucchetti (2023-2027)
2) Zhengwen QI (2020-2025)
3) Weijing Zhu (2023-2024)
4) Mingyang Ma (2023-2027)
5) Yuting ZHANG (2024-2028)
6) Muzaffar Kurbonov (2024-2027)
7) Yue SHEN (2024-2028)
8) Laura Pizzirani (2024-2028)
Supervision of completed PhDs
34) Yujie XUE (2019-2024)
33) Zhao Cheng (2019- June.2024)
32) Irene Shubi Isibika (2019-Oct. 2023)
31) Sheila Nanyanzi (2019-Sep. 2023)
30) Meijie BI (2018- July 2023)
29) Ngoc Bich Khuyen Dinh (March 2019- March 2023)
28) Elizabeth Landa (2018-Dec. 2022)
27) Mihai Alexandra (2013- July 2020)
26) Vo Minh Hien (2015-June 2020)
25) Aysun Caliskan (2015-Jan.2020)
24) Wang Kai (2015-Nov. 2019)
23) Mark Kaahwa (2015-Nov.2019)
22) Mustapha Almasi (2015-Oct.2019)
21) Garcia Botero Gustavo (2014-2019)
20) Li Shihua (2013-2019)
19) Manyu Zhang (2014-Feb. 2019)
18) Brent PHILIPSEN (2014-Jan. 2019)
17) Silke VANSLAMBROUCK (2014-Dec. 2018)
16) Jaël Muls (2014-Dec. 2018)
15) Céline COCQUYT (2014-Dec. 2018)
14) Yves Blieck (2014-Nov. 2018)
13) Machumu Haruni Julius (2014-Sep. 2018)
12) Liesbeth DePaepe (2013-July 2018)
11) Li Sisi (2014-June 2018)
10) Nguyet Diep Anh (2014-Jan. 2018)
09) Wei ZHANG (2013- Nov. 2017)
08) Tao HE (2013- Oct. 2017)
07) Kintu Mugenyi Justice (2013- Oct. 2017)
06) Chun CAO (2012 - Sep.2017)
05) Qian MENG (2013 - Sep.2017)
04) Aydin ASLAN (2012 - June 2016)
03) Hui ZHANG (2012-Nov. 2016)
02) Roberto Rodriguez Hidalgo (2010-2014, completed in June 2014)
01) Pouratashi Mahtab (joint PhD, Completed in Sep.2013)
0B) HOU Zhongtai (Joint PhD, Beijing Normal University, 2012)
0A) WANG Di (Joint PhD, Beijing Normal University, 2012)
Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie
Educational Sciences, PhD
Externe posities
Member VLOR werkgroep Internationale Tendensen Hogeronderwijsbeleid
mrt 2024 → …
Director, LEAD Academic Network
2022 → …
Director, ALO-OBL Academy
2018 → …
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
EUPOM117: ERASMUS+ : KA220 : Bijscholing van digitale pedagogiek voor leerkrachten en toekomstige leerkrachten
28/02/22 → 27/02/24
Project: Fundamenteel
EUPOM60: LEAD2: Enhancing academic Leadership and Governance of Chinese and European Universities in the context of Innovation and Internationalization
15/01/19 → 14/01/23
Project: Fundamenteel
OZRSAB14: Digitaal leiderschap in het onderwijs in een nieuw tijdperk
1/02/23 → …
Project: Fundamenteel
EUPOM14: Governance and Academic Leadership of Chinese and European Universities in the Context of Innovation and Internationalization.
15/10/15 → 14/10/18
Project: Fundamenteel
E-Teach Knowledge Paper Upskilling Digital Pedagogy for Teachers and Future Teachers
Zhu, C. (redactie), Caliskan, A. (redactie), Lucchetti, M. (redactie) & Aslan, H. (redactie), 1 mei 2023, Brussels: VUB. 216 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Scholarly edition › Research
Open Access -
Comparative perspectives and cases in university governance in European and Chinese universities
Zhu, C. & Caliskan, A., sep 2023, In: Asia Europe Journal. 21, 3, blz. 397-400 4 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Dinh, N. B. K., Zhu, C., Qi, Z. & Kondakci, Y., okt 2023, In: Higher Education Quarterly. 77, 4, blz. 792-816 25 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand1 Citaat (Scopus)38 Downloads (Pure) -
Leader support and the integration of innovative teaching–learning technologies: the mediating role of technological level of knowledge
Landa, E. J., Zhu, C., Sesabo, J. & Machumu, H. J., dec 2023, In: Education and Information Technologies. 28, 12, blz. 15523-15541 19 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand5 Citaten (Scopus)6 Downloads (Pure) -
Effects of digital media literacy course on primary school students’ digital media literacy: an experimental study
Zhang, H., Zhu, C., Sang, G. & Questier, F., mrt 2024, In: International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 34, 1, blz. 1-17 17 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access4 Citaten (Scopus)
Award Project Leader Achievements IUC Mzumbe University (Tanzania)
Zhu, Chang (Recipient), mei 2024
Prijs: Other distinction
Award Project leader Achievements Mountains of the Moon University (Uganda)
Zhu, Chang (Recipient), apr 2024
Prijs: Other distinction
Best poster award
Vanslambrouck, Silke (Recipient), Zhu, Chang (Recipient), Pynoo, B. (Recipient), Lombaerts, Koen (Recipient) & Tondeur, Jo (Recipient), 2017
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bestand -
ETHE High Impact Award
Zhu, Chang (Recipient), Kintu, M. J. (Recipient) & Kagambe, E. (Recipient), aug 2024
Prijs: Other distinction
Vlaams Forum voor Onderwijsonderzoek (VFO)
Zhu, Chang (Recipient), 2008
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively
Digital Education and Innovations in the New Era
Chang Zhu (Speaker)
21 sep 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
E-Teach Project (EU) Transnational Meeting Event at University of Helsinki
Chang Zhu (Chair), Jari Lavonen (Host), Tiina Korhonen (Host) & Laura Salo (Host)
28 aug 2023 → 29 aug 2023Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
Academic exchange meeting Delegation University of Western Cape to VUB
Chang Zhu (Member)
23 aug 2023 → 25 aug 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
An International Academic Leadership Development Program: Mid-term Impacts on Personal Growth and Professional Practices
Ngoc Bich Khuyen Dinh (Speaker), Chang Zhu (Contributor), Aysun Caliskan (Contributor), Zhengwen Qi (Contributor) & Yujie Xue (Contributor)
21 aug 2023 → 25 aug 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
LEAD Academic Network Symposium on Digital Academic Leadership
Chang Zhu (Chair)
21 jul 2023 → 23 jul 2023Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
Critical Factors Impacting Learning Outcomes and Course Satisfaction in Adult Blended Learning Environments – a systematic literature review
Auteur: Damian, A. & Zhu, C., aug 2016Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Development and validation of a quality framework for the implementation and improvement of Online and blended learning in adult education
Auteur: Ooghe, I. & Zhu, C., 2017Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Development and validation of a Quality Framework for the implementation and improvement of Online and Blended Learning in Adult Education
Auteur: Ooghe, I. & Zhu, C., aug 2016Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Influences of the use of blogs on students’ engagement in Chilean higher education
Auteur: Troncoso, P. C. & Zhu, C., aug 2016Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Institutional Continuous Quality Improvement for OBL - GUIDANCE COMMISSION
Auteur: blieck, Y., Zhu, C., De Pryck, K. & Struyven, K., 20 dec 2017Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis