Projecten per jaar
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
OZR2975: Onderzoeksgroep Alliantie VUB-UGent: NanoMicrobiologie
Willaert, R., Devreese, B., Yvanoff, C. & Vanden Boer, P. K.
8/06/16 → 30/06/25
Project: Policy Based
FWOSB22: De ontwikkeling van een eencellig mechano-biologie platform om cel-cel communicatie tussen botcellen te bestuderen
1/01/16 → 31/12/19
Project: Toegepast
OZR2842: International Joint Research Group: VUB-EPFL IJRG on BioNanotechnology & NanoMedicine
Willaert, R., Dietler, G., Sahli, H., Yvanoff, C., Vanden Boer, P. K., Vounckx, R. & Kuijk, M.
8/07/15 → 7/07/24
Project: Policy Based
High-speed AFM and DNA origami to study single-protein – DNA interaction dynamics
Willaert, R., Kraus, A., Yvanoff, C., Kayacan, Y., Januarius, T., Haschke, H., Dietler, G., Peeters, E. & Kasas, S., 4 feb 2024, (Unpublished).Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Optical and mechanical phenotyping of osteoblasts exposed to fluid flow shear stress
Yvanoff, C., Kasas, S. & Willaert, R., 3 feb 2024, (Unpublished).Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Single-Cell Optical Nanomotion of Candida albicans and Escherichia coli in Microwells for Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Radonicic, V., Sohail, H., Yvanoff, C., Villalba, M. I., Devreese, B., Kasas, S. & Willaert, R., 4 feb 2024.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Simple optical nanomotion method for single-bacterium viability and antibiotic response testing
Villalba, M. I., Rossetti, E., Bonvallat, A., Yvanoff, C., Radonicic, V., Willaert, R. & Kasas, S., 24 apr 2023, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120, 18, blz. 1 3 blz., e2221284120.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand9 Citaten (Scopus)43 Downloads (Pure) -
Single-Cell Optical Nanomotion of Candida albicans in Microwells for Rapid Antifungal Susceptibility Testing
Radonicic, V., Yvanoff, C., Villalba, M. I., Devreese, B., Kasas, S. & Willaert, R., 7 apr 2023, In: Fermentation. 9, 4, blz. 1-27 27 blz., 365.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand5 Citaten (Scopus)89 Downloads (Pure)
Best Poster Award
Yvanoff, Charlotte (Recipient), 27 mei 2018
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bestand -
Best Poster Award
Yvanoff, Charlotte (Recipient), 2 apr 2019
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bestand -
Dr. alain Donzel Award
Yvanoff, Charlotte (Recipient), 16 nov 2022
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Poster Award - First Price
Yvanoff, Charlotte (Recipient), 3 feb 2019
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bestand -
Poster Award - Third Price
Yvanoff, Charlotte (Recipient), 4 feb 2018
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
XXIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop : Advances in Single-Molecule Research for Biology & Nanoscience & Medicine
Charlotte Yvanoff (Participant)
2 feb 2024 → 5 feb 2024Activiteit: Participation in conference
Optical and mechanical phenotyping of osteoblasts exposed to fluid flow shear stress
Charlotte Yvanoff (Speaker) & Ronnie Willaert (Contributor)
7 mrt 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Research stay at the Bruker Nano headquarters
Charlotte Yvanoff (Participant)
22 nov 2023 → 23 nov 2023Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Research stay at the Laboratory of Biological Electron Microscopy (LBEM)
Charlotte Yvanoff (Participant) & Sandor Kasas (Participant)
23 okt 2023 → 26 okt 2023Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
3D Bioprinting in Space
Charlotte Yvanoff (Participant)
15 mrt 2022 → 16 mrt 2022Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
The effect of shear stress on the morphology and physiology of osteoblasts in microfluidic chips
Auteur: Yvanoff, C., 2014Begeleider: Willaert, R. (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis