Foto van Daniel Jacobs-Tulleneers-Thevissen
  • Laarbeeklaan 103

    1090 Brussels


  • Laarbeeklaan 101

    1090 Jette


  • Bron: Scopus
  • Berekend op basis van aantal in Pure opgeslagen publicaties en citaties van Scopus

Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel


Daniel Jacobs-Tulleneers-Thevissen is head of department of Surgical Oncology, Thoracic Surgery and Transplantation and coordinator of the Transplant Center at UZ Brussel. He is also a senior lecturer in anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He studied medicine at Hasselt University and VUB. He combined his training as a surgeon with a preclinical research project at the Diabetes Research Center of the VUB, and obtained his PhD in medical sciences in 2013. Afterwards, Daniel Jacobs-Tulleneers-Thevissen further specialized in abdominal transplant surgery and endocrine surgery. He has a particular interest in pancreatic transplantation and clinical cell therapy for diabetes. He is currently working on preclinical models that study the formation of a metabolic adequate beta cell mass of deceased donor and stem cell derived islet cell implants. These studies are conducted at the VUB Diabetes Research Center.

Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie

Abdominal Transplant Surgery, KU Leuven

Datum van toekenning: 31 aug 2015

Medical Sciences, PhD, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Datum van toekenning: 25 jun 2013

Laboratory Animal Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Datum van toekenning: 1 jul 2009

Geneeskunde, Arts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Datum van toekenning: 5 jul 2004

Geneeskunde, Kandidaat Arts, Hasselt University

Datum van toekenning: 4 jul 2000

Externe posities

Consulent abdominale transplantatieheelkunde, University Hospital Leuven

1 sep 201531 aug 2021

senior assistent, University Hospital Leuven

1 sep 201331 aug 2015


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